Anyone have one of these laying around they might want to part with at a reasonable price?
The ones on the internet are kinda pricy, not being el cheapo here but just saying.
randy- got one at the house would be glad to let you use/borrow- only reason i say that is because it actually belongs to another co-worker here.
you are referring to the NCEES sample exam they put out?
good opportunity to meet and have lunch- just a drive down the road!
> Anyone have one of these laying around they might want to part with at a reasonable price?
> The ones on the internet are kinda pricy, not being el cheapo here but just saying.
> Thanks,
> Randy
We sell those. They aren't that expensive ($22 plus shipping).
Larry P
I have both the NCEES and the PPI one. Let me know if you still need them/one.
email link should work.
The exam has been redesigned and I think there is a new practice manual. The old one should still have some relevance, depends what you need it for I guess.