Section 20 resurveyed in 1937 (the third survey of parts of the section and the third for this corner) with GLO brass caps, finding everything but the W1/4 which was set at the prorated position even though it has an angle break and slight distance differences. I figure because it was first stubbed out from the north then stubbed in from the south with a tie, the third survey calculated something to get the differences and still call it prorated.
Can't find it, the calc is on a very steep slope, the six other corners I needed in the?ÿsection?ÿall tie within a foot or two to the plat. The country is very broken and mountainous.
Look for the monument 3 times, going into it for the 4th today and because there are pine trees taking a total station along with the marked monument to set it. Looking for somewhere to set up the TS and see a stubby T-post, and yes next to it is the 1937 cap. 163' to the west of the plat numbers. It does fit a topo call which had me confused before, but it's so far out I figure it's a bad move. I've rejected those plenty of times before, but with this one being almost due south and?ÿsorta close?ÿto ?ÿ2640' from the original stub out I'm thinking I'll probably take it. It is a corner of federal land vs. private lands, and not that it matters but causes the feds to lose 4 acres. From the cap it's N25'W, 2608 to the NW corner and S8d27'E, 2659 to the SW, which actually works out to almost the same northing position as the plat. It's just 163' west.
Wild error eclipses should be a part of every surveyors thinking.
Glad you found it.
My error eclipse for retracing that survey went from 5-6' to 300 plus feet today.
We work with expansion of possibility elipse, all the time. It's sobering. Reality check...
I love finding "out of position" original corners, not?ÿmuch love?ÿfinding them when they are retracements.
eclipse or ellipse??ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ I'm not familiar with an error eclipse...
eclipse or ellipse??ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ I'm not familiar with an error eclipse...
Roger that!
I think that an error "eclipse" would be an error that you can't see, find, or is somehow on the "dark side" of things.
Oh I noticed, and I should have asked Nate if I could borrow it cause it's really cool, but I went ahead and used it without asking.
In fact when I first read it, it instantly went into my mental file for later.
eclipse or ellipse??ÿ?ÿ?ÿ?ÿ I'm not familiar with an error eclipse...
If he typed it on a phone, that was probably the result of auto-INcorrect.?ÿ It gets me every time I don't go back and review the message before sending.
I think Nate did it on purpose and it's brilliant?ÿ ??ÿ
No, Mr. Moe. It was an accident. Fat finger-autocorrect got me.
Most of my successes are "a series of good accidents".
Thanks for assuming intelligence... But none exists!