I preparing an elevation certificate on a double wide trailer.
What building diagram do I use? It will be on a slab and that will be the LAG and HAG.
The trailer will have a conc block skirting built under it, but the trailer will be on metal stilts or braces.
I'm thinking Diagram 6.
any ideas
Yes. The fun part is explaining to the owner that the top of bottom floor is LAG no matter how high they build up to the main floor (next higher floor).
Yes, a typical "dream double wide" on a slab, with normal skirting is diagram 6. Where I always have a fit is in Zone A or A/O where we're supposed to determine the HANG, with the N being "natural" grade (per county specs). It gets real bad real fast when the site was obviously cut at the home site to balance the on site dirt.
The other tough thing to explain to folks is that the actual bottom floor is the bottom of the frame, and not the front door. Usually 15-18 inches, rendering most existing structures in non-compliance. New ones get to build about 4 ft above grade for their porch, but at least they comply with FEMA and their nonsense.
Make sure you fill up the comments section so that everybody undertands your diagram determination and how you came up with LAG, Hag, etc. I alsways fill up the comments section! I'd like to think it helps limit some of my liability if I disclose all the facts up front!