Can anyone convert a microstation file to a Pdf for me?
Email is current in profile.
Thanks in advance.
Pdf is more of a PRINT command than it is a CONVERSION. There's lots of good freebie programs out there (I use PDF995) that will "print" a pdf file for you. I'd be lost without the ability to print pdf's.
I use CuteWriter. And, yes, it works as a print function, not a conversion.
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Ditto the other guys. get your pdf software (I also have "cutePDF writer") and when you go to print, instead of the printer you usually default to, select the pdf printer as one of your options of printers to use. It also shows up on Word documents or any other documents you send to printers as one of your printer options. If you hae "Adobe" you should also be able to select "Adobe pdf" as your printer.
Make sure and don't use "scale to fit" so that it goes into the pdf file at scale. You can choose the appropriate paper size for the pdf file as well.
As a matter of fact, I have had print jobs hang up on trying to print to "Adobe pdf" and finally switched to "cute pdf" and had it converted (printed) immediately. When you select the pdf writer it usually prompts you to browse to wherever you want to file the pdf.
Thanks Guys
Got er Done.
I have also learned something new today.