Exactly; you can say it was described as a 2" pipe, in document xyz; you can say it was a 1 1/2", 5 1/2" long solid metal cylinder and you replaced it with a gold plated 2 5/8' metal disc cemented into a 24" long iron pipe, driven securely in the ground.
You can do anything you want; as long as you have a good reason for doing so, just in case a Judge asks you...
It doesn't even have to go as far as a judge?ÿ More often it's just the next surveyor who needs the information.
It is much more likely for peace in the neighborhood to be maintained when the next surveyor can rely on your work because you explained yourself.?ÿ
"It is the corner because I said so", isn't the most helpful product in court, and therefore it isn't the most helpful product for future surveyors, and therefore it isn't the most helpful product for land owners.?ÿ
?ÿanother great time based one was the guy who did meticulous upkeep on the clock because he thought when it stopped working, he would die.
The video is available for purchase from some sources, if you really want to see it.