you are changing the record by adding fictitious offsets. The monument is either the corner or set your own.
I disagree, what you are saying is "I know it is there, I don't agree with it by this much" You may agree with it if you want but I am on record as not agreeing with it.
Its funny that always in this scenario the surveyor manages to find one monument that is in the perfect position to start his perfect work from.
Advocatus Diaboli
> Why not call out call (record) verses measured?
I'm not advocating producing work similar the that shown in the OP...but is there really much of a difference between calling out record and measured as 2 vectors and calling out record as a vector and measured as cartesian coordinates referenced to the record?
Seems like just two mathematical ways to express the same confusing information to a layman.
exactly, this monument is perfect, all the rest are wrong. It's mathematical pincushioning and it is a poor practice.