I regularly see, here and elsewhere, references to Leica total stations with various numbers and letters in their designations (e.g., TCRA1102, TCRP1203, TC405.) But I've never seen a comprehensive list of what those numbers and letters mean. I'd be interested in seeing a that list, and invite anyone in the know to supplement the bits I've gotten from my TPS manual:
R indicates reflectorless, the inclusion of a red laser in addition to an infrared emitter for distance measurement.
A indicates automatic target recognition.
I've never gotten a satisfactory explanation what plus means.
Here you can find lots of Leica/Wild models and the year and accuracy they were introduced:
Here at page 10 and 11 you can find out what the different letters mean:
M - Motorized
P - Power search
I believe the C means that the distance is measured through the optic lens instead of offset like the old T1000 with the DI1000 being on top. That is what I remember about the TC805 that I had.
> I believe the C means that the distance is measured through the optic lens instead of offset like the old T1000 with the DI1000 being on top.
I found this in the January issue of TPS News 2002:
>TPS1100 - Product History
>In November 1998 the first
>TPS1100 Professional Series
>instruments were introduced. At
>that time four different models
>were available: The classical
>total station (TC), the reflectorless
>total station (TCR), the
>reflectorless motorized total
>station (TCRM) and the total
>station with automatic target
>recognition (TCA).
I think the "P" means Power Search.
I think the Plus line was indicative of an aggregate of improvements that almost, but not quite, justified calling them a different series. I think the biggest change was improving the robotic camera technology used. If I can remember correctly the previous ATR used a distance histogram to determine center of target, and in some circumstances it could result in erroneous measurements. The new ATR uses a digital camera to store collimation values for prisms. The biggest difference I see is that Leica now publishes an ATR spec for their instruments, and no other manufacturer does.
Edit: I see Trimble now includes this spec. for their new line of robots.
> I think the "P" means Power Search.
It might now, but I have a circa 2004 TCRA1102plus and it has PowerSearch.
Hello Jim,
If memory serves correctly for total stations:
T - Total station
C - On-board data collector/storage
R - Reflectorless
M - Motorized (but not Automatic aiming)
A - Automatic target aiming
P - Power search (more recent)
It seems that the usage is inconsistent, as I've seen TCRP instruments advertised as having ATR. Maybe Leica just didn't want to have a gun with a designation of TCRAP.
> It seems that the usage is inconsistent, as I've seen TCRP instruments advertised as having ATR. Maybe Leica just didn't want to have a gun with a designation of TCRAP.
No, it is consistent.
In the 1200 series some letters makes the other redundant: P implies A, as P won't work without A. Just as A implies M as you can't have A without M. P also couldn't work without M.
But if we include the redundancies then the fully featured 'Jim Frame special' would be either TCRMAP or TCRAMP.
reading this is giving me a TCRAMP.....may I just need to take a TCRAP
> > I think the "P" means Power Search.
> It might now, but I have a circa 2004 TCRA1102plus and it has PowerSearch.
I had one of the original TCRA1103s which I purchased new in 1998 (or was it 1999). At that point Powersearch had not been released. Powersearch came out in 2001, I know this because Leica sent me a demo which was subsequently destroyed by a freak wind cell. The plus models did have Powersearch by I would guess that Leica did not want to rock the naming convention until the 1200 series came out. As for the "C", I'm sure that was for coaxial. I began to appear on the first coaxial total stations such as the TC1010.
This is for the TPS1200 series...
Everything started with TC so if you had a TC1205 you had a manual only model that was a 5 second model with no reflectorless. The other designations were:
M = Motorized but no ATR (automatic target recognition) - there were some users that installed a the GUS74 laser pointer that mounted on top of the telescope assembly.
R = reflectorless EDM
A = included ATR components - if you had ATR then you automatically had the motorized instrument so the "M" would not be included in the designation
P = Power Search module - if you had the power search then you also had the ATR included so that the A would drop out.
So possible designations...
TC120X - manual total station with no reflectorless
TCR120X - Manual total station with reflectorless
TCA120X - motorized total station with motors and ATR
TCRM120X - Motorized with reflectorless with no ATR and no power search
TCRA120X - motorized with refelectorless and ATR - no power search
TCRP - full robot - motorized, with ATR, power search and reflectorless
My theory ius that the call the "full robot" model with all letters it would be a TCRAP with a hidden word that would give the instrument a bad designation.:-D
In reality only a few of these combinations were actually sold. I think the original thought was to have a very salable product but in the end only a few were actually used.