When different government agencies establish their own mark upon the same hill only a short distance away is that pincushioning?? 🙂
In my mind; "pin cushioning" only applies to boundary corners, not control points.
Around the Turn of the Century.......
.......(1900, not 2000).........I'm guessing that $250.00 was a pretty stiff fine.
I would have to search my records for the details...but I recall that on Buck's Knob above the Mississippi River just south of Festus Missouri, there are 4 or so monuments.
Two possible theory's on your monuments.
First-The USC&GS did not feel that Crow's Nest was up to par with their current monumentation standards for their campaign. Maybe they felt it was not stable enough to be used.
Second-The USC&GS utilized the existing tower but it was not over Crow's Nest thus they had to set a new mark that they could plumb over from the tower. Measurements from the supports might prove this theory if you could find all four of the support anchors and compute the center of the observation tower.
Just my SWAG.
Another good story Jerry! Thanks.
On maps, like the Black Hills Forest map that you included, I find myself always thinking "I wonder what thats about?" as I'm looking and names and places on the map. Like over in the upper left corner, I see "Seismic Site" and wonder what thats about... whats there... whats it for or was it for etc. Then there are names that I might not want to know the story behind them... like "Slicker Dick Springs" just a couple miles WNW of your two points. 🙂