Does anyone know of a service provider for the controller to radio chord repair? I know... or I think I know that I have seen an advertisement for this...
Perhaps the Geico hump-day commercial pushed it out of my memory... :-S
Shelby recently [msg=226081]posted[/msg] about the great service he got from Western States Cabling.
I wanted to add to the excellent cable replacement and cable repair from Western States Cabling. The Trimble factory antenna cable for the new 35w radio is designed poorly (PN # 86917), with the cable entering the plastic antenna base side with no way to repair it. There is a nice aftermarket replacement for much less money which is a separate cable and antenna base mount. Western States Cabling can set you up for about 30% less than the factory cable, and will most likely last longer due to better design. Thought I should share 🙂