I am a student, so have only a small knowledge of GNSS and working with it. For a project of mine i am trying to carry out PPP post processing using online services such as AUSPOS.
I carried out a 2 1/2 hour survey with a Trimble 5800 receiver.
I downloaded my data from the receiver - .T01 file
To use AUSPOS i need to convert this .T01 file to RINEX. I tried downloading the Trimble Convert to RINEX program but it does not seem to work, [url= http://www.trimble.com/trimblerinex_ts.asp
Any suggestions? I have Trimble Business Center but don't know if this has the ability to do this.
Also i tried using the the Trimble CenterPoint RTX online service where they accept .T01 files but it does not allow me to send.
Sorry if this has been already mentioned but this is very confusing to me.
When you download you should also get a .dat file. You can then convert to rinex using teqc (www.unavco.edu). The command is:
teqc -tr d filename.dat>filename.13o
where filename is the name of the dat file. The .dat format from Trimble is not AS PROPRIETARY as the .T01 format.
There is also a utility called runpkr00 (from Trimble, also on unavco) that will convert the .T01 to .dat.
The Trimble converter should have worked. Perhaps you have a corrupted copy. Try re-downloading the program and give it another try.
> Kevin
> The Trimble converter should have worked. Perhaps you have a corrupted copy. Try re-downloading the program and give it another try.
I had the same issues as Kevin. What OS are you running?
Had no issues using an older version of Windows. But never could get the converter to install on my Win 7 64 bit OS. I finally concluded the converter wasn't compatible with a 64bit OS.
If you can, try installing and operating on an older OS.
Best of luck.
Larry P
> Had no issues using an older version of Windows. But never could get the converter to install on my Win 7 64 bit OS. I finally concluded the converter wasn't compatible with a 64bit OS.
I use Convert to Rinex on my 64x Windows7 without problems. We don't have any 5800's here, so I haven't used it on files from that receiver.
I'm running Win 7 prof 64bit and haven't had any problems.
> Sorry if this has been already mentioned but this is very confusing to me.
Confusing? More like frustrating. It's just a little utility that converts files from one format to another. But these freebies are often more than a bit buggy. Some little setting, some little dll that is in use by another program is gumming up the works.
Reboot. Shut down as many startup routines as you dare. Then try running Convert to Rinex setup again.
Email me your .t01 an I'll try converting it for you.
I'm not sure, but I think that "CenterPoint RTX" is a subscriber system which you have to pay an annual fee to use.
I downloaded Trimble's "ConvertToRINEX" on my new Windoz 7 (64bit) machine last month, and every time I converted a T01 (or T02) file, I couldn't find the damn RINEX file.
I finally figured out that you have to select a destination directory EACH time you run the program (unless ALL of your T01 and RINEX files are in the “default” directory).
Open ConvertToRINEX
Before (or after) selecting your T01 file (but BEFORE converting it)
Select 'Tools' at the top of the page.
Then select 'Options'
At the bottom of the page, look at the "Use Default Folder" option (which should be "checked")
This is where ConvertToRINEX will send the RINEX file UNLES you select a different path.
Browse your way to the Directory (folder) which you wish to use, and click OKAY.
Convert the T01 file, and the RINEX file(s) should be where you SENT them.
That may seem a little cryptic, but it works for me.
There are probably ways to make Windoz 7 do it like Windoz XP, but I am satisfied just to make it work for me.
I have none of the boxes checked, and it sends the RINEX to the folder from which the .TO1 or .DAT came from. I assumed this was default, but the software may respond differently in different machines.
Running v of Convert to Rinex, and W7-64bit
I'm running version
Thanks guys for all the great information, much appreciated.
I will give it another shot when i get back into college.
We were having this exact issue this morning on our Windows 7 64bit computers.
Here is the solution: Trimble states right on the download page for covertToRinex that you need a Trimble Configuration Utility to run the program.
See it on the page? Yup, it's at the bottom. Why it's not at the top, I have no idea.
Here is the link for the TCU: http://dl.trimble.com/osg/survey/gpsconfigfiles/13.11.6/trimblecfgupdate.exe
Download and install that, and your "ConvertToRINEX.exe" program should run flawlessly.
Hope this helps!