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Anyone Know Where to Rent a Javad GPS

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more specifically one that will accept an external DC.

Posted : April 13, 2016 12:25 pm
Posts: 10522

Well, that at this point would not be an LS. That would be a Triumph 1, with some kind of Triumph 1, or Triumph 2 Base. And, the External DC that would run it, would be a Carlson. They work together well.

Don't know where.

Posted : April 13, 2016 1:01 pm
Posts: 378

I do not know of anyone who rents any Javad receivers.

Nate is right to use an external DC you will need either a Triumph 1 or 1M. I am not sure if you can use a Triumph2 with an external DC or not but I think you can if your DC has Bluetooth.

If you have any further questions on the Javad gear let me know and I'll be happy to help.

Posted : April 13, 2016 2:01 pm
Posts: 788

What you want is a pair of Triumph-1Ms with a Carlson Surveyor 2. Slick setup, been using it for a few months. Very few issues. The T-1Ms have the internal guts of the LS, but no built-in DC. Supposed to use Beast mode, but I haven't tried it yet.
If you are evaluating them for purchase, JAVAD did 30 days money back when I bought mine, no questions asked. I bought my DC from my dealer and then has JAVAD ship out the T-1Ms to try. If they didn't work I was going with a set of GR-5s. I haven't looked back though, this setup is slick, and I really like the Surveyor 2.

If you are looking for a straight out rental, I remember seeing a company in the plains that rented the T-1s, but that was a few years ago.
I know that isn't much help, sorry.

Call or E-mail Javad's Mike Glutting. Maybe he has a set that they will rent out right from the California factory?

Posted : April 13, 2016 2:45 pm
Posts: 1163

mattsib79, post: 367106, member: 1138 wrote: I do not know of anyone who rents any Javad receivers.

Nate is right to use an external DC you will need either a Triumph 1 or 1M. I am not sure if you can use a Triumph2 with an external DC or not but I think you can if your DC has Bluetooth.

If you have any further questions on the Javad gear let me know and I'll be happy to help.

I have used my Triumph 2 with an Allegro MX and Carlson Survce.

Posted : April 13, 2016 2:47 pm

Posts: 10522

If you are friendly with carlson.... go with that.... but if you want to learn a real game changer.... get an LS, and plan to work for a few days learning..... its the bomb!

Posted : April 13, 2016 3:29 pm
Posts: 328

Nate The Surveyor, post: 367114, member: 291 wrote: If you are friendly with carlson.... go with that.... but if you want to learn a real game changer.... get an LS, and plan to work for a few days learning..... its the bomb!

Come on Nate, "A few days"? I'm certainly not the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but a few days was no where near enough for me. You, obviously, are one of the sharpest. You're on the other end of the bell curve from where I sit. I can't imagine picking up an LS for short term rental without a couple of meltdowns.

Jumping from TDS or Survey Controller to J Filed has been the toughest thing I've done in my career. The form factor, the new terminology, all them dang engines, no level bubble, DPOS, Pages, Confidence Levels, Netview, constant firmware updates and those silly sounds were enough for me to struggle for many, many days.

I have become very comfortable with the operation of my LS, after nearly two years. I have been very satisfied with the results I get with the system. Looking forward to the next update with RTK Verification.

I wonder if other LS users might chime in with an opinion of how tough it was, or not, to move to an LS system and J Field. I hope prospective buyers appreciate how difficult it was for me. Support is first rate

I know I must sound like a donkey, compared to a game changer such as yourself. I have met more donkeys than game changers in this industry in my 4 decades doing this kind of stuff.


Posted : April 13, 2016 6:00 pm
Posts: 10522

The Nate Story:

Well, my friend, Mr Jerry Attrick, I entered the arena, with a few advantages.

First, I was ALREADY doing about 1/3 of what the LS does, MANUALLY, as in, loose lock, and regain fix, loose lock, and regain fix. As a means of checking initialize. I dreamed of a mechanism to automate it. So, back last spring, Shawn Billings came up from TX to Arkansas, and I spent two, Half days, with him, in a pine thicket, watching it do just that. I got so excited, I peed myself. It was systematically giving all our coordinates, in a dungeon of a pine thicket, all within a tenth, without a great deal of trouble. A bit of time, yes, but finally a piece of GPS equipment could find it's own bad initializations.
Then, last fall, when 5 hz came out, it was a no-brainer. We now had loss of lock, and regaining init, happening at a much higher speed.

Then, a gust of wind came out of nowhere, on a survey last fall, and blew my Topcon Legacy E over. I was breaking down my equipment. As is my custom, I SET an extra nail, somewhere near my base station, and let it get a good observation on it. In case my base station gets un usable, due to a car, tractor, or other item. While putting stuff away, the wind got it. It broke the touch screen on my TDS Ranger.

If you really want to learn "Mexican" (common Spoken Spanish) you should simply go to some small Mexican city, and spend 3 months there. Where NOBODY speaks English. You WILL learn Spoken vernacular Spanish. IF you want to eat, and drink, and simply move about, and do stuff.

I have not even turned my Legacy E's back on, since getting the Javad LS. I was forced to "Learn JAVAD"

With this next release, a number of things are becoming much better.

Presets are a biggie.
Since I have had it, Localize has been broken, on and off since last December. The last bug is getting cleaned up. I did not know the difference between normal, and abnormal behavior. BUT I knew what I wanted it to do. But I did learn how to force it to do what I want. I expect it to be fully fixed in about a week. This NEXT release is going to be the bomb. Right now, if you want to work on a LOCAL system, you have to go to the field, localize, and THEN after DPOS, you have to REDO it. The local coords shift a few hundredths, and they should NOT.

AFTER this next release, and, If I want to place it in the hands of a newby, (who already knows more than I do, about cell phones) I'd go and anticipate a 3 day training.

I'm already setting up presets for newbies. They are structured by a NUMBER and a NAME. This makes them LINE UP in the menu in an order, from DEEP WOODS, setting, to lift and tilt in the wide open sky.

And, I am refining these settings, so that a newbie can simply select from 10 settings. BUT all he is going to use for his first week are a BASIC 4 settings. I will create a cheet sheet for him.

I have called poor Shawn Billings an hundred times.

As time moves on, the Javad LS will continue to become simpler. And MORE intuitive.

However, if a NEW user wants to operate in PURE SPC. And, they understand the basics of SPC, before walking into the room, then I can make a new guy productive in a day.
To learn all the stuff that's fancy, yes, we are talking about more work. But, the basic core unit, SPC in and out, is a pretty easy pack to learn.
The LS is getting easier, than it was 2 yrs ago.

Will it ever be as easy as a TDS? maybe not. Will it generate faster, and better data? Yes. Have I looked back... yes, a little... but the fact is, that having GOOD data has NEVER been easier.
Now, I will later today, post a pic of why line A-B is longer than line B-A, when measured with your edm.
This is an essential ingredient, to understanding SPC. (State Plane Coords)

But, I have to draw it first!

God Bless,


Posted : April 14, 2016 4:45 am
Posts: 3082

Jerry Attrick, post: 367143, member: 1585 wrote: Come on Nate, "A few days"? I'm certainly not the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but a few days was no where near enough for me. You, obviously, are one of the sharpest. You're on the other end of the bell curve from where I sit. I can't imagine picking up an LS for short term rental without a couple of meltdowns.

I wonder if other LS users might chime in with an opinion of how tough it was, or not, to move to an LS system and J Field. I hope prospective buyers appreciate how difficult it was for me.

I did a test drive, and I saw how it would be very attractive to a surveyor...and how the idea of training a dozen people how to use it, for a one trick show (only RTK), made me very quickly send it back.

For Nate, awesome. Incorporating the LS into a larger workflow will be done by someone, but it wasn't a project that I thought would make any money.

Posted : April 14, 2016 8:11 am
Posts: 10522

dmyhill, I have thought about what you said.

Technically, it is NOT a one pony show. (Although I kind of understand what you were saying)
It also does a good job of PPS now. Post Processed Static.

And, it does a fine job of getting you on SPC.

And, it does as good as a total station, in MOST environments. I went to one yesterday, that it would not develop a shot on, in 10 mins. (actually, it gave about 6 fixed solutions, that it said NOT to trust) I simply abandoned getting that shot. BUT..... Had I needed it, I could have spent a bit more time, and PPS'ed it.

All that aside, IF you learn it, you won't pull the TS out very often. And, I have an old TDS DC, I can use, with a Leica Reflectorless.

If have not looked through a total station, in 6 mos.
Not saying I won't. But, when you let the Javad cook 3 shots, and average them, and they are all within a few hundredths, I guess I am not too worried about the 0.02' that wads up my McMillan. Although, I am glad he cares about it.


Posted : April 15, 2016 9:48 am

Posts: 3082

Nate The Surveyor, post: 367423, member: 291 wrote: dmyhill, I have thought about what you said.

Technically, it is NOT a one pony show. (Although I kind of understand what you were saying)
It also does a good job of PPS now. Post Processed Static...

I know it works great for certain aspects, but my assessment, for our situation, was that the value as a tool was less than the cost of purchase. Obviously, for you, that isn't the case, and I can see why that is so.

We don't have any framing hammers in our tool box, but we do have a collection running from 2.5 lbs to 5lbs, with different length handles...meaning that different people like different tools.

Posted : April 15, 2016 10:05 am