Check out the color on this plat!
Also, look at the Basis of Bearings. For this survey, I set the GPS base on a porch, upstairs! Bungied stuff down, and put the base receiver on a prism pole, with the tip in a screw head.
Check out the color on this plat!
" the best of my knowledge and ability, so help me Almighty God."
Never quite seen a cert with so much passion there, Nate.
There are standards for color?
Check out the color on this plat!
It's just that way!
Check out the color on this plat!
I've found mechanical pencils, chisels and screw drivers for corners but never a file;-)
It wasn't the APWA now that you ask. Is was the colors that the utilities were painted on the ground got standardized and that is what changed. Specifically we were using green for storm and red for sanitary sewer and we had to switch those. Water stayed blue of course. There were some minor tweaks too, but, it has been too long
OK that makes sense. We generally do the same here, except a dirty yellowish brownish orange for GAS, but what ya gonna do.
Yes gas has always been an issue. I am doing the same dirty yellow brown and it stills sucks. I am in the process of re-vamping all of our macro's so it will probably be changed
> I use color on maps that aren't going to be recorded. Clients seem to really like them. Here is an example.
That's a pretty good survey, David. If you don't mind an unsolicited opinion, I would reverse the color fill for asphalt and conc. Make it look like real life, asphalt is darker and conc is lighter.
:good: Good eye. Thanks.