I'm having a problem getting Carlson to recognize the points in a drawing I was sent. I think he is using Eagle Point and exporting a .dwg file with everything turned on. I'm using Carlson 2012 with embedded autocad and he created a 2000 .dwg.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You could try:
Or just ask whoever sent it to you to send a coordinate txt or csv.
Yes, I've tried various combinations of the point conversion formats to no avail. Thank you for the response though.
It turns out he is using terramodel. He created a .pts file and all the numbers were changed and none of the points had descriptors and some had -9999 elevation.
He said that terramodel allows him to create a cad file version 2000 and that is what he sent me.
We figured out a work around, but I would still like to be able to figure out how to convert the points in that drawing. (just because it's been frustrating, not being able to figure it out...:-S )
If anyone's willing to take a look at it, I can email it. The addy in my profile is good.
Feel free to send it to me and I'll see what can be done.
Ladd Nelson
Carlson Software
The following process worked for me (at least it pulled 349 points from the drawing you sent me):
1. Points -- Set Coordinate File (new)
2. Points -- Coordinate File Utilities -- Update CRD from Drawing
>Command: CFU
>CRD file from Drawing
>See AutoCad manual about wildcards matching. (not case sensitive)
>Wildcard match of point description :
>Update point descriptions [/No]? n
>Select Carlson, LDD, Softdesk, InRoads, EaglePt, Geodimeter or Leica Points.
>FILter/: all
>Entities in set: 2307
>Testing Entity> 2307 Points found> 349
>Writing points ...
I hope this helps.
I Created Points, BUT!
The point symbol is recognized by Carlson and is at elevation on the Z axis, but the point number, point elevation and point description text is dissassociated with the point symbol.
What I did was to create an empty crd file, then set up to draw locate points on the Z axis with point numbers, elevations and descriptions beginning at point 101
Then U used
"COGO" pulldown
"Create Points From Entities"
selected a different point symbol
chose "Label Elevations" and "Locate on Real Z Axis"
for description settings I chose "Prompt for Description At Each Point" (tedious part)
selected a new layer "PNTS-NEW" for the points
selected "OK"
on next screen I chose "Points" as the only entities to process
and also told it to "Avoid Duplicates With Existing Points"
then starting with point number 101 I picked the displayed symbol, entered the description when prompted, and so on.
Rather tedious but If I had to get the work out in the morning I would not hesistate.
Perhaps someone on the Board knows how to reassociate the point information, I may have done it in the past but do not recall how.
I believe your buddy dissassociated the points when he created them. I know that if I open an LDD dwg with associated points in Carlson, Carlson immediately asks if I want to convert the points, I always say yes.
I had never used "Create Points From Entities" before, so I learned something new.
Paul in PA
Ladd, That Did Not Work In Carlson Survey 2004
I could select all the point entities and create a crd file, but the point numbers did not match.
Did you get the point information reassociated in some way?
Paul in PA
I Created Points, BUT!
Thanks Paul and Ladd,
Ladd's method didn't work for me either, Carlson 2012...
I've used a similar method, Paul, and yes, it's rather tedious....o.O
I Created Points, BUT!
When all else fails, if a *.crd file must be created from CAD entities, using the combination of two commands: (1) 3D polyline & (2) auto add points is a fast way in a situation of a couple of hundred points.
Example: point range, code:
1-31, RANDOM
32-44, CREST
45-68, TOE
69-79, CONC
Draw a 3D polyline from 1-31, then auto add points starting at point 1, code RANDOM. Delete points and polyline (the points 1-31 are now in the database). Next, draw a 3DP from 32-44, then auto add points (the software defaults at point 32), code CREST. Delete points and polyline. Next, draw a 3DP from 45-68, then auto add points (the software is now at point 45 by default), code TOE. Etc...
By deleting the work already done in the process of building the database, the screen clears up fairly quickly and it doesn't take too long to go though the exercise. Especially if check shots on various control points are not really required for your aspect of the work, delete. There's always the original drawing anyway if something is needed.
- - - - -
Another option that could possibly work (maybe better in a sparse data set) could be to use the textout command. By exporting pntnumber, pntelev and pntdesc to three different ascii files, the order in these three attributes columns should logically be consistent to each other; assuming the CAD operator used the method in all three exports. Those three columns could then subsequently be joined in an excel spreadsheet as one PZD file.
Then creating a *crd from the points entity in the CAD drawing would result in a PNEZ file; a file with arbitrary point numbers and no description, as mentioned above. Since the Z is common to both files, the files could be joined and sorted by holding the Z value common, keeping the P value of the first file. The result would be a PNEZD file.
- - - - -
Anyway, the easiest would still be to ask the guy to send the text file, it takes a second to create...