"No Parking - Fire Lane" Wondered how anyone else handles these on a drawing.
Not a very good draftsman here, and attempts to show these limits come out obnoxious looking. I had hoped to keep regular parking stripes and crosswalk hatching somewhat
faint, and the fire lane striping even fainter, but identifiable.
Depending on how your colors are set up, 9 (light grey) just barely shows up. So yeah, a light grey would probably do the trick.
I use a diagonal hatch pattern in BHATCH, and play with the hatching scale until it looks right. And, like others said, I use a layer that has the screening set low in the pen settings of the print dialog, so it come out as a transparent (light grey) line.
I set 250 to black with a weight of the smallest possible to print.
I would look at the fire lane in GE or on the ground and mimic the striping on my plan.
Why are you making the fire lane lighter? I would think it is every bit as important as, if not more important than, the parking space striping. I would make all the paint the same weight, perhaps a bit lighter than the edge of pavement lines.