Using Carlson 2014 with Icad, and when I translate points, 99% of the time the last point is duplicated (something Carlson says can't happen) and neither point is where it should be, both points are way out of the area where the correct point should be.
Carlson tech support says they only have one other client with the same problem and Carlson cannot duplicate the problem.
I have found a solution by copying the last point and changing the point number to one beyond the last real point. This works great as long as I remember to add a point.
Anyone else have this problem and how did you solve it?
I dont use translate , I just do a move in Cad and then a update coords .
I have had the same problem on two different systems, and yes, I currently have this problem on my Carlson 2010 w/icad. I have just gotten used to it. After I do my traverse adjustments I go into "edit points" and simply duplicate the coords of the last point, add 1 and give it a descriptor of "X". It's simply a "dummy point". I then do all of my inversing to decide how I want to rotate and translate (or "align" in one step) and check everything. I have noticed that after the initial R&T (Align) that it will start taking the last point as it should.
Now, I'm not 100% sure, but I think that even if you simply dump an ASCII file the first time that you do an align, that it will leave the last point as it was. Again, I've just gotten used to adding a point.
I have so many little things that seem like they shouldn't happen in Carlson, but if I called with every little thing, I'd never get anything done.
I've never had the issue you describe. I select the points to translate, then use the routine and voila, it's done.
> I've never had the issue you describe. I select the points to translate, then use the routine and voila, it's done.
I haven't seen that problem neither (using AutoCAD as a platform)
Same as James.