Hey All,
Loaded the demo of Carlson Survey 2012 into Civil 3d. Was curios where the menus are, and how to load them...I only see the Civil 3d ones. Is it a menuload? Or is there something easier? It shows up when I am loading the program, then it switches to the default.
> Options>Profiles>Carlson2012
If this suggestion doesn't work, you might also need to enable the menubar (which I believe C3D now suppresses by default). Procedures for turning the menubar back on are at http://update.carlsonsw.com/kbase_main.php?action=display_topic&topic_id=770 .
> > Options>Profiles>Carlson2012
> If this suggestion doesn't work, you might also need to enable the menubar (which I believe C3D now suppresses by default). Procedures for turning the menubar back on are at http://update.carlsonsw.com/kbase_main.php?action=display_topic&topic_id=770 .
> --
> Ladd Nelson
Yeah, tried that before...I get:
Unable to load customization file: C:Documents and SettingskendApplication
That Customization Group name already exists.
Tried menubar...no luck. Weird, because commands like "I" for inverse work...so I know it loaded.
I Googled supportvaac.cui and one of the results was this discussion topic on the Carlson Discussion Forum. Hopefully some of the information there will be of assistance.
Actually the problem was that the wrong cui file was being loaded. Lon at Carlson fixed it in about 30 seconds.
Type Menu, browse to the, C:, Documents and Setting, (find your username folder), application data, Carlson Software, Carlson2012, R17.2, Sup
Find the cs09base.cui, click open. The Carlson Menus are there now.