Is there a way (and if so, what is it?) to have Vanilla AutoCAD plot the
path, file name, and date plotted?
Thanx to all, 🙂
I'd go with plotstamp first, if you don't like that, google a command called 'rtext' and the diesel command that goes with that command...comes in handy on occasion.
Having multiple plotters I can state that I do not like plot stamps. Nor do I like green eggs and ham.
Have you tried MTEXT with a FIELD? Start MTEXT, right click, Insert Field and the rest is up to you.
Avoid RTEXT like the plague, it's a proprietary object that never should have came to be. If you use it, many others won't be able to see it (even with Autodesk products).
I second MTEXT with a FIELD.