Greetings from Oklahoma. Glad I found you ....How do I change my avatar? Every picture I want to use is too large. What is the trick to a picture being less than 50MB?
Welcome to the beerleg, Okie Mike!
Welcome Okie Mike,
It might depend on the format of the picture, and particular software you are using. If you are using a standard PC, you can reduce the filesize in "Pain" relatively easy. I believe there is a button on the top that says "resize" and you can change the dimensions by percentage or by measurement. reduce both horizontal and vertical size by the same percent. Other software generally has a way as addition to you iphone, and probalbly your tablet. If you don't have that standard software, you might be more specific about what your picture format is in and what device you are using.
Welcome 51+50. I enjoyed Van Hagar's 5150 album. A little insanity goes a long way around here.
Howdy Okie Mike
I recommend a couple of apps called Image Reduce and Video Compress
Both are super easy to use and will quickly reduce the file size to make it easy to send pics and vids.