I haven't checked in on this site in about 6 months due to being busy and frankly, the slowness of the site on the switch-over. I stumbled back today and really like what I see. Thanks Wendell for the hard work!
I am a young (relatively - which is a low bar) PLS in CA who struggles to shut up about topics that to most people are "weird hills to die on". I am very passionate about surveying and getting more people into the profession. I am almost 1 year into running my own business full-time and am loving/hating it equally.
Additionally, I create test prep material and attempt to guide others to good study material and more. Please let me know if you have any good resources I can add to my website!
New Member as well. I work in California. Welcome!
If you need any help on Land Surveying Drafting Services I'm free at the moment.