To all visitors:
We've recently made some updates to the look and feel of our website. If you have visited before, your browser may have cached some of our site's elements in order to help it load faster on your computer. However, some of those cached files may now be outdated. By hitting CTRL+F5 on your keyboard, your browser will be forced to reload all cached items pertaining to this website and it should then look normal.
For reference, the top of the site should look something like this:
And the bottom should look like this:
The actual content area should not look much (if any) different than before.
If CTRL+F5 doesn't solve the problem, you might want to try manually clearing your browser's cache.
Thanks for understanding and we hope you like the updates! 🙂
Sweet. Now where is the ctrl button on my droid....... all looks good. ;^)
It will always be beer leg to me. Whatever the name it's a great resource, thanks W.
Beer Leg is still Beer Leg and always will be. 🙂
So, how does one logout?
Or is it like the Eagles song "Hotel California"?
If the site looks odd, hit CTRL+F5>Re: Logging out
Why log out? I've found that by never actually logging out I never have to log back in 🙂
So, how does one logout?
It's under the Settings tab. But yeah, you bring up a good point... that seems like a pretty silly place for it. I'm thinking of putting Profile and Logout/Login buttons in the little bar under the tabs.
If the site looks odd, hit CTRL+F5>Re: Logging out
Some of the posters are appearing odd, is there a shortcut to help normalize them?
If the site looks odd, hit CTRL+F5>Re: Logging out
Try pressing the "ignore" key. It is right next to the "any" key......
If the site looks odd, hit CTRL+F5>Re: Logging out
I fixed it John...I moved away from the mirror.
If the site looks odd, hit CTRL+F5>Re: Logging out
I hate when that happens! 😛
So, how does one logout?
Ok, I removed the Settings tab as it was mostly just silly. It seemed like a good idea at design time, but come implementation, it just didn't cut it. So now there is a logout link next to your name on the right side when logged in. And, as before, you can click your name to view/edit your profile.