I do not use GPS on a regular basis. I will rent a unit 2-3 times a year to get SPC on some points.
I am interested in these low-cost receivers for some personal use so I can take the time to learn the proper procedures for using them, and actually have a unit to work with.
I have read through the forums and have seen some comments about them, but still can't determine if the $600.00 investment is worth it.
I am looking for comments regarding the following units:
Ardusimple Professional Survey Kit
Emlid M2
Polaris GNSS S100
Thank you
I routinely use the Emlid RS2.?ÿ It is a great bang-for-buck.?ÿ Once you realize its limitations, it is another tool in the box.?ÿ I primarily use it as an RTN rover and as a PPP check on the local RTN we use.
I have purchased a Polaris S100 UHF base and rover kit.?ÿ I have not had time to test it yet, but I expect similar results to the Emlid as the guts are very similar.?ÿ I plan on using it for ATV field surveying and as additional receivers for static work.
If you need to integrate your surveys, they are a cheap and cheerful way to do so.?ÿ I do not know what your rental rates are, but I can see the units paying back themselves easily over 1 to 2 years.?ÿ Once you become familiar with them, I expect you would use them more for other things.
A friend rigged the M2 onto a survey staff and bought a GNSS antenna for the staff for well under 1k. I used it with the free phone app using the free RTK statewide network for corrections. It does multi constellation RTK or Post process and the results I got were equal to the big boy equipment. I wouldn't be afraid to use it but I have 30 years of experience in RTK so there may be some things I know to look for and how to configure it that may not be all that evident to a new user. But there are good You tube videos for training for most things. I probably would be more inclined to use it if I only needed dozens of positions per day as opposed to 100's or more. If you need to map or cogo in the field probably not what you want but if all you need is an ascii text file tied to any EPSG projection it could well be worth it. If you don't have access to free or pay RTK corrections your option is static post process survey with just one receiver. The M2 is constructed for a drone but it works on a survey staff just the same.?ÿ
I purchased a Polaris S100 14 months ago when it was $399. It worked surprisingly well when you had all of your ducks in a row. It requires you to configure your cell phone for its use, since I had an old Samsung S7 laying around, that was not a problem. You also had to depend on several other apps since the S100 receiver has no programing, controller, modem or power.?ÿ I spent too much time keeping everything talking to each other rather than collecting data. Frustrated, I purchased a Septentrio NR3 and now I can collect data in my sleep. I still use the Polaris S100 for static in risky locations and it works well if you need an Opus submittal.?ÿ I found the 7mm rtk accuracy statement to be correct.?ÿ