I have a Trimble R8 Model 2 Base and Rover unit. Is it possible to collect static data at the base while using the base for RTK corrections? I need to be able to switch between RTK and Post Processed Kinematic with the rover. I need the static data at the base to use for the PPK at the end of the day. I also have only one TSC2 controller. Can I get the base antenna setup for internal data collection? Both antennas have 10Mb of internal memory. Thanks
In your TSC 2 create a new survey style, I call mine RTK & infill, in the base options select (RTK & infill) in the survey type, logging device select (receiver).
In the rover options select (RTK & infill) in the survey type also. All your other setting should be the same as your RTK survey style.
Yes this is doable. RTK and infill as said above.
I do this all the time to log a file in the base to send to OPUS to use to correct my positions.