I've never seen this before but recently the R12i RTK base will store a file for a while then at some point during the day it will stop that file and start a new one.?ÿ The receiver is empty, the battery is charged.
I wish it wouldn't do that, it messes things up.
I could try to figure out how to join the Rinex files in TEQC but really Trimble? You don't have a way to do that without an ancient command line program? Our ability to install software has been severely limited by IT, I get the concern in this modern age of abundant scammers but it does make things like this more difficult to deal with.

Are you using the data collector or the web interface to start the base?
(Have you (or someone else) ever used the web interface to start the base?)
The web interface has a couple of wonky things that you can accidentally change and likely not notice. One of them is how the static sessions are logged.
Is it happening at various times on various days? (Not 4 pm PST = 0000 Z?)
I have been seeing the same thing. It also duplicates the file in two different folders. I have been in a crunch so have had no time to figure this craziness out. Mine is doing it on a R12 . I had the crews do rtk and logging. So they can go around and rtk in some point do some topo and all. While its logging a file to be sent off or used as a check to vrs. Bad thing is I wanted a 4 hour file on one job but only got a 15 minute one and then a hour on another etc. I am planning a fast static survey but limited personal so I need to get this resolved as i will be doing rtk at same time in some areas.
This only happens when I start the RTK base with logging a file. Specifically in the Tilt style. I will probably try it in a non-tilt style for a day and see if that makes a difference. Don't really need the tilt for what we are doing.
It will run all day in Faststatic mode and there is only 1 file at the end of the day.
I'm using the TSC5 to start the base.
I could try to figure out how to join the Rinex files in TEQC but really Trimble?
Agreed, but if you need help with this it's super simple. Takes about 10 seconds.
EDIT: command line = teqc (first rinex file name) (second rinex file name) > (resultant rinex file name)
@dave-karoly interesting. Thats where I am seeing the duplicate files with rtk and logging and new sessions so its not continuous like i want because i had two different crews running rtk and logging at different ends of the project. The R10 base on file the r12 base two of same and multiple files for the one session. Kinda a long baseline and I wanted to process the data between the two bases so i can later do a network adjustment after i get everything done. I have never hooked up by this web interface to a r10 or r12 i will have to try this. They didn’t have that on 5800 . So is this web interface the new configuration tool. Like to have it automatically start logging at a specific time etc as well.
You can combine them by dos and not have to use the teqc. Just in your windows create you a folder on c drive. Drop all the t02 or t04 files in that. Then in start menu on computer type cmd to bring up the command line. I don’t remember off the top of my head all the dos commands until i am sitting in front of the computer. But c .. enter c.. should take you to c drive directory if i am not confusing unix and dos. Then change directories to that folder name where the files are. Then simply do a copy all b command I believe. I will try and get exactly tomorrow. But it should combine all into all name I have not done this with t02 but have done with files in past years. So I could be off my rocker. To check just add up the several files and see if it matches the all new named file. Then go back olen tbc run it through to see total time and such. Someone has to have done this before. I bet the old timers can probably help with dos commands. I use to know them and then I went to unix and similar but something different so my brain gets it all crossed now. Ngs tool works for rinex but thats a step some might not want to try. Hopefully this helps.
You can combine them by dos and not have to use the teqc. Just in your windows create you a folder on c drive. Drop all the t02 or t04 files in that. Then in start menu on computer type cmd to bring up the command line. I don’t remember off the top of my head all the dos commands until i am sitting in front of the computer. But c .. enter c.. should take you to c drive directory if i am not confusing unix and dos. Then change directories to that folder name where the files are. Then simply do a copy all b command I believe. I will try and get exactly tomorrow. But it should combine all into all name I have not done this with t02 but have done with files in past years. So I could be off my rocker. To check just add up the several files and see if it matches the all new named file. Then go back olen tbc run it through to see total time and such. Someone has to have done this before. I bet the old timers can probably help with dos commands. I use to know them and then I went to unix and similar but something different so my brain gets it all crossed now. Ngs tool works for rinex but thats a step some might not want to try. Hopefully this helps.
one of the days I looked at today had about a 3 minute gap between file 1 stopping and file 2 starting.
@dave-karoly what epoch rate were you collecting at. Might not be a big issue almost like a cycle slip. I am going to have to try this dos thing and see if it works myself. Also why is the Trimble software firmware causing it to stop and end a session is my biggest question. I want it to end a session when i say for it to. Must be a bug or something i am doing wrong. Lol. You are using logging while doing rtk. I wonder if infill will do the same. I always liked the logging when doing other fast static moves because I usually plan for my base to be the center of a pinwheel.
@dave-karoly what epoch rate were you collecting at. Might not be a big issue almost like a cycle slip. I am going to have to try this dos thing and see if it works myself. Also why is the Trimble software firmware causing it to stop and end a session is my biggest question. I want it to end a session when i say for it to. Must be a bug or something i am doing wrong. Lol. You are using logging while doing rtk. I wonder if infill will do the same. I always liked the logging when doing other fast static moves because I usually plan for my base to be the center of a pinwheel.
I use 5 second epochs. I never do infill. If I can’t pick up the radio then I do a Faststatic session. Most of my work is boundary. If I’m doing Topo the base is nearby.
one of the days I looked at today had about a 3 minute gap between file 1 stopping and file 2 starting.
That's not normal. If power to the base drops below a certain level, it will stop broadcasting & logging briefly, then begin again with a new static session. But three minutes doesn't seem right. Was there a chance that reception of all SVs got blocked somehow?
My guess is that this is a firmware issue rather than a settings issue, but it's tough to know for sure. We had a receiver randomly start doing something similar last year. Different region, I never heard what the exact problem was, but the dealer had it fixed right away.
Just to be sure, I too would check the WebUI to see if some settings got changed. Under Data Logging Configuration make sure that "Schedule" is set to "Always".
It's been a long time since I have seen a receiver start a new file at zero hour UTC, so I doubt that is it.
I checked a few files today and it is random. First file session 0 17 minutes the. Begin session 1 47 minutes session 2 2 hours and it was done rtk and logging never ended survey started base and it set until ending survey at end of session 2. It names them just like the old days just randomly starts a new session no rhyme or reason. Brand new r12. Another day it had a 1 hr and few minutes then 2 hr plus. Problem is it does have a few minutes gap in between. I reckon i need to read up on this web gui thing. Never used it before. Usually just downloaded to dc at end of day. Since using these new receivers. But i am a big user of rtk and logging. I like to use it even on known control as a ck. It doesn’t require anymore time for field personal and i have been having some blunders with new chiefs on vertical. They might say 2m to bottom of quick connect or 2m to bottom of antenna mount etc. and when using a adapter to get it up they don’t always add that in so i can usually check by opus a little when things don’t fit correctly. And then make the call of did you use this etc.
@olemanriver It also appears to be random to me.
Another option I will try is use a different receiver for the base. I always use the same one but these new receivers can be either base or receiver.
FYI: The tilt feature is only applicable to RTK measurements. The tilt feature does not work with post-processed (PPK) shots. Also, if you shoot a point as an Observed Control Point, it will turn the tilt feature off, so make sure you are plumb.
The DOS copy command using /b will copy files into one new file. Files will be merged in the order they are listed in binary format.
copy /b file1 file2 file3 newfile
This won't solve the time gap issue though. This has worked with T files that didn't have large time gaps.
@dave-karoly yeah if I ever get to catch my breath i will be making some phone calls as to what is going on for sure. We have a r10 and r12 for one crew. Then r12 and r12i for another crew. I am working on the next crews purchase as well. We have a new office and having to get everything so i am busier than a 1 legged man in a tator sack race. If I ever get more productive with civil3d it will solve about half of my time issues. But some stuff i know i want to do i am searching all mighty google and email and asking co workers. Usually ends up being so darn simple i want to kick myself. But when ya don’t know you just out of luck. If i get it figured out i will let you know. Hopefully it’s something i am doing a setting and not a bug in the firmware.
@dave-karoly what epoch rate were you collecting at. Might not be a big issue almost like a cycle slip. I am going to have to try this dos thing and see if it works myself. Also why is the Trimble software firmware causing it to stop and end a session is my biggest question. I want it to end a session when i say for it to. Must be a bug or something i am doing wrong. Lol. You are using logging while doing rtk. I wonder if infill will do the same. I always liked the logging when doing other fast static moves because I usually plan for my base to be the center of a pinwheel.
I use 5 second epochs. I never do infill. If I can’t pick up the radio then I do a Faststatic session. Most of my work is boundary. If I’m doing Topo the base is nearby.
5 second recording rate is too often for a 2 or 4 hour session. 1 or 5 seconds is needed only if your session is very short. 4 hour session might be 30 second rate. Somewhere Trimble has a recommend rate based on session length.
5 seconds and 4 constellations, with all the signals and satellites Beidou had, might be a very large file.
you can zip multiple raw files if not much time gap between them, if you use Trimble RTX post processing website fir positioning.
I used to worry more about shorter intervals back when the receivers were short on memory, but nowadays with the amount of storage on the 10s and 12s, I'd rather be able to run short static occupations on the fly rather than have to run back to the base to modify the logging rate. Also if I decide to run PPK I want that base logging at 1Hz. It's really handy to be able to resolve both long and short occupations when needed.
If every single occupation is going to be 2+ hours, such as for a campaign-style network, sure, we'll use 10-second or greater intervals. But that's pretty rare unless we're doing a bluebook-type project.
RTX is great. OPUS might edge it out once it goes full-constellation. I still like to process everything myself and just use the web tools for a check.