I got no response the first time - here's another link:
Thanks for this- I don't use OPUS much but it's great to see NGS making progress.
I use OPUS mainly as a sanity check but it's good to see they're coming around.
T. Nelson - SAM
This morning I've sent in a 5 hour session collected last summer to both versions. This mark is on the roof level of a parking garage, so it has unobstructed clear sky. The ellipsoid heights returned differ by nearly 0.2 meters.
Given that not all CORS have access to all constellations (or more than GPS only), I wonder how hard OPUS had to search for CORS in the area to work for your solution. As time goes on and CORS are updated with better hardware, results may become more consistent. Maybe play with what constellations are enabled?
The two resolutions did select 3 different stations, none in common, but they are at similar ranges from my station. We are well covered hereabouts.
Assuming the time series for all stations involved are stable... maybe it's something you could bring up with your state or regional coordinator. Strange, either way.