Anyone using the iG3s system from iGage for OPUS solutions?
I am having trouble with my Zsurveyor and may have to look into purchasing a new system for OPUS solutions.
I bought an ig3 from Mark late last year, but have only been able to get out and use it once (too damn busy in the office).
It works GREAT, and I look forward to using it quite a bit next year (ASSUMING that I get a few days off).
I have the X90 (I guess the earlier or original system) and it works great for OPUS.
I am running a suite of the IG3s, X90s and X900s. As far as I as I am concerned they are all great units and have paid for themselves many times over. In addition to collecting static data for OPUS Projects, I also am using the IG3s as an additional static base station/s in conjunction with a set of SP80 receivers for post-processing work. The only addition I made to the units is pairing them with Igage's heavy duty power cable and GPS Precision Accessories 18-ah external battery packs which allows the units to run for days on end without needing to swap batteries.
Chad L. Sexton