was able to process a file from May 2nd for the 4700. There is a fix out for it now, at least it's not a yellow brick anymore
What's the fix?
I don't know about a fix, but there is a workaround.
I used rfile from r-utils (kb . unavco . org / kb / article . php ? id = 362) to download the .T00 file from the receiver.
Then I unpacked it with runpkr00 to get the set of .dat, .eph, .mes and .ion files.
Finally, I converted the files to RINEX, using teqc (www . unavco . org / software / data-processing / teqc / teqc . html).
The "workaround" is to use the -week on the teqc command-line, so you should type something like:
teqc -week -tr d +obs +nav
or something similar.
(I'm new here, so I can't post links, sorry.)
Jim Frame, post: 371707, member: 10 wrote: What's the fix?
John Hamilton either wrote, or found, a simple exe file to change the date in the raw data file. I've tried it, and it works great. It's posted in this forum.
I agree that John's converter is useful, but I'd characterize it as a workaround rather than a fix. Reading the original post, I was hoping that Trimble had released a firmware update.
Jim Frame, post: 371731, member: 10 wrote: I agree that John's converter is useful, but I'd characterize it as a workaround rather than a fix. Reading the original post, I was hoping that Trimble had released a firmware update.
You are correct, this is also a workaround, not a firmware fix, probably the same thing John's does (maybe it is John's).
you download the file, save it somewhere then run it through the fix file and load it into TBC.
One issue I did have was that it would not fix it if I sent it to the DC then the computer, it had to come out of the receiver into the computer, then get fixed.
i use TTC, with vmware in wxp,
transfer .t02 to .dat with runpkr00
download .dat from 4700 (from brick to tsce...one file .r00)
use .r00 to dat with runpkr00.
convert .dat 2016 with fixweek.
process is ok!!