If you had it recently serviced and certified, that would be a good thing to add for the cause.
Good luck!
Long shot--is this someone from N.E. Parrott Surveys Ltd.??ÿ I only ask because I did some work with them around Wabush.
Free bump either way.
this was on eBay for a couple months a while back but the listing had disappeared last time I checked. not trying to knock you OP but if that is $10k in US dollars it is priced a little high. I bought the exact same instrument used back in 2018 (charger, 2 batteries - 1 new, usb cable, 360 prism & the trimble case) for right at $4500 shipped to my door. So just something to consider. granted mine was a passive tracking setup but that was my experience
As somebody else stated, a recent calibration certificate would go a long way to bolstering that asking price with today's current, shortage of brand new & available survey equipment market plus inflation
The OP hasn't been on this site since October 31st.