Well, what are you using now, for data collector?
The DC is a core piece of gear...
I'm not replacing it with anything. Got a job working for the local County, so I'm selling off some of my business assets.
Are you able to look and see/verify if it will run my CHC x900 gps rover unit?
I e-mailed MS too.
I don??t love the LT-30 it came with.
Bump TTT.
For my own reasons, I did not buy this. ?ÿIt is probably still available.
Item still available and I'm probably selling it way too cheap, so get it while you still can.
Do you have a pricing idea ??ÿ I may be interested.?ÿ
If you click his ebay listing link in the OP you will find his asking price listed.
Do you have a pricing idea ??ÿ I may be interested.?ÿ
This item has now been sold.
I would have just clicked the ??like? button, but apparently I have overused and broken mine.
EDIT: It works again. ?ÿYippee!