I know some of you are not feeling it yet, but we are supposed to be in the 90's this weekend.
Been in the 90's or close for the last 3 weeks, probably be flirting with a 100 real soon and then lucky if we are not in the 100's every day.
No significant rain for months now, looks like a long dry hot one coming up.
We just went through a bad drought 2 years ago, here we go again. The spring wildflowers we are kinda famous barely showed up.
At least this summer, I will have some help (I hope), last summer just about did me in.
I love where I live, but the summers are getting harder.
It ain't here yet!
It's snowed pretty much EVERY day this year so far, snowing now, and going to snow (they say) for the next week (again).
It's about the same in Lawton Randy. They say we are the driest since the 1930s so I might have to get out the Grapes of Wrath and plan a trek westward. We have had no rain since Oct. 2 of 2010. Can you say dust bowl?
But today is my monthly bike and body wash courtesy of the 580 Roller Derby Girls for a benefit fund raiser. They raised $1700 the other night for a childrens center. Very nice ladies, unless you are on the floor with them, and they really work for our community.
Just hope they are using no tears soap this morning.
Temp today is supposed to be nearly 100. We broke it the other day and set a record. I think it's going to be a really hot summer this year.
We went from having frost Wednesday morning to pushing 80 today. We have had some rain so that certainly makes it bearable. Now if we can just live throught the pollen.
I guess it's a good thing that they are running the race at Texas Motor Speedway tonight rather than in the full heat of the day tomorrow.
It's a beautiful day here in Puyallup, I hope everyone will enjoy it as much as me!
How about sending a few railroad cars full of heat to the northeast. I need to wax the hull of my boat so I can put it in the water. :good:
86 here right now.
I have the front and back doors opened and the ceiling fan on.
45 above today and no wind. Yep Summer be here!
84 up here, feels wonderful. storms are supposed to roll in tonite though