And I just came across this in the news.
It was a complete surprise, but not totally unexpected.
Dang it, Don, if you're going to go to the trouble to get tomorrow's news today, the least you could do is include tomorrow's stock market prices.
There seems to be an editing problem though, because the stories don't go with the headlne.
I believe there is a typo in lower right headline. "Thai Beer" should be "Thai Stick", no?
Next page...
WHO Got Second?
Was it me?
Wow; I would have expected McMillan to have been ranked no. 1. Did the poll get a real statistical evaluation? Maybe you could run the evaluation through Star"Net. Were you on the voting committee there Don?
Thai Beer is no mistake :beer:
Should you ever find yourself in a layover in a third world country along the Asian Coast, ask for
In a plain B/W labeled can and at 7.0± it is smooth when cold and will insure a pleasant flight to your next destination
BTW, you really do not want to know where a thai stick has been :-O
What it doesn't say is..............
Door-to-door surveyor. One of those annoying types that show up about mealtime and want to ask the most inane questions for thirty minutes.:'(
"Early Edition" was the name of the show starring the future football coach of the Dillon Panthers who played on Friday nights. (Kyle Chandler)
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Love the bongos......
You ain't gonna be a #1 surveyor ....
You ain't gonna be a #1 surveyor with a breakfast like that. You need Six or 8 strips of bacon, a couple sausage patties and a half dozen eggs washed down with a pot of coffee to properly survey.
You ain't gonna be a #1 surveyor ....
Maple forgot the maple syrup.
Actually Tom
> Maple forgot the maple syrup.
surveyors can't usually afford it.;-)
Isn't That Supposed Thigh Beer?
Just saying, and thinking about Saint Paulie girl.
"I'll never forget my first girl."
Or was that Heinekin?
"I'll never forget my first heinie."
Paul in PA
WHO Got Second?
It's like this, Scott
Similar to what Tommy La Sorda told Pete Rose after revealing that the Dodgers had voted Pete Rose the second best looking player on the Reds.
"Everybody else tied for first."
In this case, everybody else tied for second.
It looks like he knows what he's talking about....