BOIR filings are suspended by order of the 5th circuit.
However, the government filed a request to the Supreme Court to stay the injunction; the plaintiffs have to respond by the 10th of Jan.
Out of 32 million required companies only some 9 million have filed.
A $529 per day fine and 2 years in jail are the possible penalties.
Keep informed if you haven't filed yet.
??? BOI report ???
Yes, BOIR, I have dyslexia some days.
Beneficial Ownership Information Report.
I filled mine out last month. I'm still not sure what the real purpose is. All of the information, save a copy of my drivers license, is on my tax documents.
It's worth noting that if you operate as a sole proprietor or (probably) a general partnership, you're not required to submit a BOIR. There are a bunch of other exceptions, but few if any of them would apply to a surveying business. The basic test for reporting is whether or not your organization was created by filing with your Secretary of State or similar office.
I had to file for two companies, it looks like it's all going away soon, but who knows.
The 20 million or so companies not filed will probably never face enforcement for only that, I figure it was going to be add on violations (crimes) when other charges are brought against someone or some company.
I have been hit with this for my farm. Oh the joys of owning a business.