Now Available: Browse Résumés or Add Your Own

Serious Employer Or Personnel Recruiter Listening To Candidate In Online Job Interview

Looking for work? Our surveyor jobs system just got an upgrade! Now potential candidates can post their own résumé for employers to browse. You’ll find the options added to the navigation menu at the top for desktop users or in the updated mobile menu.

Browse Résumés

Similar to the job listings, you can now view a list of available résumés (once members become aware of the new feature), then click on it for full details.

Candidate Dashboard

The “My Résumés” menu item provides you with a dashboard where you can manage your own résumé.

Submit Your Résumé

This menu item takes you to a form where you can enter the details of your résumé. Once submitted, it will be added to the “Browse Résumés” page, as well as your Candidate Dashboard.

Add Your Résumé Today

If you are looking for work, what better place to post your résumé for other potential employers to view? If you have any questions or feedback about the process, please feel free to comment on this article or contact us.


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