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Thank you for being a member.

We’re dedicated to making RPLS.com an informative, resourceful and high-quality website for Land Surveyors and Geomatics Professionals all over the globe.

We also invite landowners or other folks that have an interest in Land Surveying to join the conversation. Perhaps you have a question about your property or have an interest in becoming a surveyor.

Regardless of your reasons for joining us, we appreciate you taking the time to be here.


If you signed up hoping to advertise your products and services for free, you need to read this:

New members agree to abide by our Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Please review these documents carefully. The #1 violation in our forums pertains to new users attempting to post advertisements or otherwise subverting the advertising rules.

Why not work with us to Grow Your Business instead?

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Your free account includes partial access to Discussion Forums and Social Groups. Upgrade to a paid membership plan for additional benefits.




free forever
Ads displayed throughout the website
Partial access to public and private Discussion Forums
Free Directory listing for your surveying business
(coming soon)
Unlimited job listings
Connect directly with other members
Private Messaging
(with your connections)




or $99 /year
All features of Free, PLUS:
Forums signature
Live private messaging
(with your connections)
Upgraded Business Directory listing
(coming soon)
Unlimited private-party classifieds listings
(coming soon)
50% off Kuduru Stone project management software for 3 months
Your membership helps keep RPLS.com online and available to surveyors everywhere




or $249 /year
All features of Supporter, PLUS:
Ad-free browsing
Upload and manage videos
Live private video calls
(with your connections)
Premium Business Directory listing
(coming soon)
10% discount on RPLS.com merchandise
(coming soon)
Access to future premium features as they are released
Your membership helps keep RPLS.com online and available to surveyors everywhere




or $499 /year
All features of Premium, PLUS:
Dedicated Business Space becomes your virtual storefront
Up to 3 team members to manage and moderate your Business Space
Premium Business Directory listing
(coming soon)
Dedicated Discussion Forum for questions, support, etc.
Engage with other members to promote your business
20% discount on Digital Advertising
Your membership helps keep RPLS.com online and available to surveyors everywhere

No thanks, I’ll stick with my free account

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Just cancel your old supporter subscription and sign up for a new membership plan. If you can’t or don’t know how to cancel your old subscription, please contact us and we’ll help you.

You can visit your Purchases page to view and change your membership plan, billing information, and more.

Not at this time. We currently do not offer a way to purchase memberships using checks or money orders for payment. This adds another level of management to the system that we are not prepared for at this time.

Yes. You can visit the Purchases page to view, manage or cancel your membership at any time. Please note that your membership will continue until the end of your current term.

Yes. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time. Your payments will be prorated accordingly.

You can visit the Purchases page to review and change your payment method at any time.

No, there is no penalty for renewing early. Upon renewal your membership will be extended from your current expiration date according to the term you select.

Yes. You can make secure one-time donations toward the upkeep of RPLS.com here: https://rpls.com/donate/

If you are looking for a way to donate via monthly or annual subscription, you might be interested in our Donator Membership. You get no new features but you can set your own monthly or yearly donation amount.

A Business Space is basically a business directory listing.

If you own or run a surveying business, you can have one Business Space for that purpose as part of your Free Membership.

If you are a vendor of surveying products or services, you’ll need to purchase a Vendor Membership first, then you can create a Business Space. Vendor Business Spaces are promoted to the top of the Business Spaces directory.

Verified Business Spaces earn a verification badge after we have reviewed them for authenticity. This usually means a short phone call or Zoom meeting with you, followed by research performed by the RPLS.com team to verify the company’s existence and legality.

After you purchase your membership, it will be reviewed by RPLS.com staff for final approval. Once approved, you’ll be invited to the appropriate social group(s) for your selected membership plan.

Please contact us using the Support Center and we’ll get back to you promptly.