CG-Survey was not available to check in the listing.
After talking and lots of help from Carlson, Thanks you. There was something twisted in the software on my computer. We did a software removal and rem...
I just did a full install download form Carlson web and it did not improve yet: Build 130120.
How does this affect the PDL 32 watt gps base radios, is there anything that can be done beside purchasing new to make the existing equipment work. I ...
I usually drive up to the GPS base and look at the PDL radio, if the TX (transmit?) light is not flashing and the RX (recieve?) is flashing, I switch ...
I agree replace the batteries if your concerned, it was easier then you would think.
Check computer requirements for AutoCAD may need a newer processor of you loaded it on a older Computer. One of the reason I switch to IntelliCAD.
Carlson seems to be doing everything I need to do and then some.