I have the BROTHER with re-fillable cartridges. Never bought a cartridge in 4 years.
Does the standard say you HAVE to use a pin?
The vertical is usually .01 less than the slope with a 5'+/- HI. Deduct .01 form your slope distance and you should be good for most applications. I...
Here is a sketch of the area.In the survey I was involved with, the owner had title to both pieces and quit paying taxes to the piece that didn't fron...
Are you sure the corporate or town boundary even splits it? I've seen where tax mapping departments split parcels by jurisdiction but, naturally, ther...
r12 with Carlson civil 2012. My drawing went from about 4mb down to 5kb. I usually double-click a block to open up the editor. when I am done modif...
WINDOWS XP SHELVED- questions???I may be mistaken, but I think there is an upgrade of windows 8 to 8.1. It loses the tiles and more like 7. Someone ...
It's definitely possible. Already happened to us.
Thanks Guys. The WBLOCK command did it!
At least they were courteous enough to have a GRAND OPENING SALE.
I never use corner monument legends. Spell it out on the drawing and flag it if necessary
How long will it beBefore Javad is quieted by Trimble, Topcon, Leica or all three combined?
Don't worry. You don't have to outrun the cougar. You only have to outrun the Mrs.