I was excited to see this happen.?ÿ Not likely to happen this year unless he has enough batting opportunities, but I'm hoping to see him get into the ...
So am I to presume these are the mythical Holy Cow and Ridge in the photos??ÿ Very cool
I believe you and I are basically on the same page.?ÿ Errors and omissions generally only apply from a civil litigation perspective.?ÿ From a licensin...
Based solely on the information provided by the OP, it appears that Ajax is refusing to disclose boundary evidence to the first client (Simpson) which...
Maybe the conflict of interest originating with the contracting with Flanders after first performing a survey for Simpson??ÿ In California, this can b...
Sure would hurt those unlicensed industries from talking a good game about what they can do!
You weren't telling her what she wanted to hear.
I don't see the nutritional value or caloric intake associated with the overwhelming desire to argue everything?
@k-huerth You could file against the County Surveyor or any person at the County which you believe may be the decision maker on this topic. (i.e., who...
Tom has had a difficult time hiring staff to fill empty positions for a long time at SB County.?ÿ From what I'm told public agencies are basically hir...
If the the fee structure is not in compliance with what is stated in the PLS Act, the potential is always there for the Board to become involved.
@mike-marks Typically only half of the annual complaints involve land surveying and of that, about 15%-18% involve the filing of a Record of Survey.
The discussion originated on the Record of Survey process which has nothing to do with planning commissions, future growth, subdividing parcels, etc.?...
Wasn't really focused so much on what you said Jim.?ÿ But in your defense, there was a time (20 years ago) when the Board chose to prioritize budget f...
That's not accurate.?ÿ California Board has the authority to issue administrative citations with fines and also to proceed with formal disciplinary ac...
I still believe the County overstepped their authority with this.?ÿ But to my knowledge, no one has legally challenged the County on this.
You'd be surprised how accurate I am with that assessment.?ÿ The Board publishes citations and disciplinary actions in each quarterly bulletin and do ...
I agree with you Dave.?ÿ This was never intended to be a revenue producing mechanism for the County.?ÿ Multiple County Surveyors recognize this, but m...
@elzeballa Are you a member of CLSA??ÿ Is your company a member of ACEC-CA??ÿ Both of those organizations have very active legislative committees and ...