@mightymoe Really like it.?ÿ Had a Rubicon Recon with the 3.6 gas that I just loved, could go anywhere, but I made the mistake of driving the diesel a...
@john-putnam Just picked up a 3.0L eco-diesel Rubicon and totally agree with you.
@jph yeah and I used to argue (wasn't licensed at the time so they rarely listened to me) how ridiculous it was to note "0.02' N, 0.03' E" when it was...
First I ever saw notes like this was in the Tucson area.?ÿ Now I see it here in California and really wonder what these surveyors are thinking.
@wendell Yeah I feel for all of you up there.?ÿ Its the same here in Sacramento but its closer to our normal than it is for you.?ÿ You could always go...
Based solely on what you provided, it appears that Map 2018 set the monument; Map 10436 depicts the monument as being out of the expected position (en...
Given that this license expired in 2014 and eventually cancelled, I'm curious if there was ever a map filed.?ÿ Jim?
@skeeter1996 Then this should be very easy for thebionicman 🙂
When I encountered something like this, I used to just get out and hold my hands over the antenna for a few minutes.?ÿ Didn't take long for the crew t...
@thebionicman Yes, I doubt it will completely disappear.?ÿ Depends on the goals of the respective licensing board.
@thebionicman how broad or in-depth NCEES tests with this idea remains to be seen.?ÿ However, the more discussions I've been involved with over the la...
@mike-marks Yeah, one of many attempts from legislators for expediting the application process for certain groups.?ÿ Most of these legislative bills t...
@mike-marks And none of those Board Members are involved in the application review or approval.?ÿ Your Board has licensed staff members with real worl...
@john-putnam "No need to test me on the PLSS every time I take one."?ÿ?ÿ That was one of the primary purposes for NCEES to consider revising the curr...
@rover83 Agreed. Pretty much all states recognize previous passing of the FS and PS exams, so as long as surveyors are concerned, its generally the st...
@jitterboogie Interesting that you brought up the California Seismic Principles exam for civil engineers.?ÿ Everyone knows that seismic activity is no...
True reciprocity is highly unlikely in the US for engineers and surveyors.?ÿ Comity however, exists and is very prevalent.?ÿ There is a push by some t...
@holy-cow or the new nuclear plant!?ÿ (wish Wendell gave us a laughing option)
"No Sir (or Ma'am), I do not know all the reason(s) why we are conducting this boundary survey.?ÿ Here's my card and feel free to call the office."
haha, that's a great story Jim.?ÿ Karma definitely came back on him for that.?ÿ Basically you could had just told him "Well your choice, pay me now or...