For $12 you can get a CF Card and PC Card adapter on ebay.
"DuPont Teflon 'Mutli-Lube' Dry Wax Lubricant" to be exact.
Non-silicon dry spray lubricate is mostly wax. It goes on easy, wipe off any excess. It doesn't attract dirt or dust, last about two years.
I still use my ProMarks 3's frequently, but rarely as single baseline rover/base anymore. I STILL find it easier to use a robot for locational collec...
I understand your disdain for HP and Epson printers, I've had and hated both, but ruling those two out really limits your possibilities. Consider the...
I've been using the same three pair of fiberglass and poly head Dutch Hills tripods daily since 1999. As light and durable as they are, I don't see a...
The DesignJet 130 is a good little plotter for a low volume need. If a head cleaning does not work, you can easily replace a head for about $50 each.
I guess I'm just old fashion, but I've been sending pdfs of pretty much every survey I do for the past 6 or 8 years. There is very little paper handl...
Leica told me that all displays are the same but have different test results. The very good test result displays go into 1" cases. If the displays b...
It doesn't beyond that. Once the target is acquired, corrections are made to the vertical and horizontal angles displayed based on how far off the si...
Great post. Glad to hear how others have worked on the same problems all small/solo surveyors face. Going to two computers has helped me. One connec...
Bunch of highlanders. Anything above the 30's is unusual. When I worked in South Florida, anything not single digit was unusual. Not made many Sea ...
In my case getting less than $1M/$2M coverage barely reduced the premium. When I agreed to stop staking underground utilities, my premiums were cut i...
I have had good luck with ebay and Amazon. Stick with high volume sellers and get unopened media. Sometimes I'll get my local computer guy to instal...
The Most Visible Aspect of Our Profession are the guys in flip flops and shorts waving that yellow stick and digging holes in our front yard.
When I started drafting, we still used Leroy tracing tiles. L60 for small text, L80 for regular text and L100 for large text. L120 or L140 for title...