@oldpacer Can you elaborate on your equipment/technique? I understand the concept but can't quite picture what float/reel setup you're using. Thanks!?...
I am intrigued by scanning, but trying to figure out how/where it might fit in our normal workflow. Currently undertaking an ALTA in a dense urban env...
@big-al Sorry to revive an old thread, but I find myself in this exact same situation. I, however, do not have SurvNET. How did you go about this proc...
We have an old Nikon DTM total station as our brush gun. Works great, and for some reason seems to shoot through brush better than any of our more mod...
@jaccen Good to know, thank you!
Thank you for putting this together!
@ncsudirtman Thanks! I'll just have to keep checking back.. no hits.
@ncsudirtman Where did you pick up "The Landowner, the Land Surveyor & the Neighbor? I can't seem to find much about it online..
Thank you for your reply! Do not worry, constructive criticism is appreciated; I am not offended. The contractor does specialize in marine constructio...
Perfect, thank you!
I have noticed this as well, in fact I left that piece out on accident while replacing a bubble on one of our rods. It was nearly impossible to tensio...
The calibration screws on our rods have allen heads, however most of the tribrach bubbles I have seen have these:
Do you have any suggestions on where to find a stable 40ft rod?
The small 8" (20.3cm) pipe actually rests atop the lake bed, held in by concrete anchors that will need to be placed by the contractor. There is an "s...
According to the plan set concrete anchors will be placed and the pipe will be installed on temporary rollers through the anchors; no cofferdam unfort...
How are they gonna check you? And, is that tolerance for both horizontal, and vertical? Are you gonna set offset stakes?What is to be constructed down...