One caveat, upgrading to Carlson 2019 or 2020 is going to show you some new toolbars, ribbons and some commands you have not seen before.?ÿ Importing ...
@norman-oklahoma Possibly, but I was thinking along the lines of a better trained dog, one that didn't have to be tied, but who knew their job ...
@jt50 This is the option I am considering. Not only will it prevent thieves, but it can keep cattle away and thus prevent them knocking over th...
I have had the pleasure of meeting a man like this once, I have seen him wiping tables at his friend's restaurant, but I also know he built a million ...
Everyone has given really helpful insights, I just wanted to second the idea of getting your antenna up high.?ÿ I have a set up with a 25' radio cable...
I own a mix match of the 3 (boxers, briefs and boxer-briefs), because I am, like ya'll looking for something more comfortable.?ÿ I almost bought some ...
As I read the news today, I saw an article where the tech giants are all in hot water over their fancy automated devices that listen for commands then...
Some people are just plain Loony Tunes.
I could not agree more!?ÿ I was happy with the bells and whistles many releases ago, and I hardly have time to learn any of the new things the latest ...
Only a second?? ?ÿ
I have had a pretty bad day already, and I come in here and read this kinda stuff that someone thinks they can make someone do just because they live ...
I have also noticed a decrease in my cell signal as of late.?ÿ Even sitting at my desk, I now have only 1, maybe 2 bars, and only get calls or texts s...
I cannot think of ever being mistaken for anyone, or even being said to resemble anyone of any sort of public recogonition.
I do suspect it is user error.?ÿ I did set down with my 3" stack of paper, determined yo pick out the pages with the points I needed, only to find out...
Never been in a big city, but way way back, we officed in the downtown part of town, where the streets had 1 hour parking limits in front of the build...
Lark, Loki, Livingston, Lazy, Lew, Limp, Liz, Lowboy, Limit, Loner, Lunger, Luger, Louse, Loiuse, LT
Sigh.?ÿ Kuddos to you for wanting to have more of an idea of what you are doing before you start making responsible decisions.?ÿ However, as with many...