In the seventies I worked for a small engineering shop whose bread and butter was pipeline public works projects.?ÿ Gravity pipelines (storm and sewer...
Good point, except if it's a Seattle suburb subdivision, created within the last 30 years maybe $5,000 is high.?ÿ Assuming it's a simple rectangular l...
"We are actively decommissioning our?ÿ3G?ÿCDMA network?ÿand expect to be?ÿcompleted by no later than?ÿDecember 31st, 2022." Verizon is shutting down ...
My Mom (RIP) and sister have lived in Baker (City) for years and Safeway was our go to store when I visited.
@mike-berry Did you know Barry G. Simrell (sp?) who was a boss in the seventies for a while out of the Umatilla NFS office in Walla Walla, then Pendle...
More like 75,000 cattle (USDA 2017 stats) and 98% of agricultural producers (owners) are white.?ÿ?ÿI lived in Walla Walla, Pendleton, Wenatchee and Bo...
Lately a lot of groceries I'm fond of aren't on the shelf.?ÿ Either they're just missing on one visit and available next visit, or have disappeared ap...
Concerning cases for field codes, I've found Pelican cases (indestructible) best for small amounts of field codes; they come in a myriad of sizes but ...
Just got an official Tsunami warning by email a few minutes ago (first time that's happened) saying be prepared to evacuate the marina if necessary.?ÿ...
Not sure, the San Andreas fault and most others in California are lateral faults aligned roughly north-south so the Southern Coast of California will ...
Long ago I was staring at a target through the the theodolite from several blocks away and witnessed a car stop in the intersection and grab the targe...
I've shot myself,?ÿ steel ringer plates at 10 yards with a handgun and the bullet bounced back and hit me in the forehead.?ÿ Just a nasty welt and goo...
I've always been a shark. Was dedicated to my present positions but eyes open to more lucrative employment near and far.?ÿ It's been amicable when I l...
Yep, but you never know where liability will crop up.
I posted my position on vicinity maps years ago but maybe it's worth repeating.?ÿ I think they're silly and redundant, take up valuable paper space, ...
Yep, I like that licensed land surveying is a generalist ticket and we are able to practice in wide ranging specialties.?ÿ They're all founded on the ...
There's been a lot of dick swinging and thread drift here but I'll put in my 2? anyway. I've been almost everywhere in the business from $2.60/hr cr...
There was a several acre detention pond near my childhood home.?ÿ It wasn't NHL quality ice, had some floating garbage imbedded in it.?ÿ We spent a lo...
Beware the cheapie square wave inverters. They'll run/charge most electronics because most (all?) such devices have converters (AC back to DC) in a wa...
I was a member of ACSM from the early seventies to the late eighties.?ÿ Originally named the National Congress on Surveying and Mapping when it was f...