Last seen: November 18, 2024 2:50 pm
post the raw data so we can see what might be going on.
Most of what back chain said I agree with except why is everyone ignoring the original split of 8 acres more or less. The north 2 acres remains whole ...
@kevin-hines 18' long and 300' wide?
Can two adjoining property owners do their own survey for the purpose of exchanging property? If so does it only become unethical when one of the prop...
I'm assuming the station point and reference points are all control you established and the points being monitored are elsewhere. I think it is fundam...
@learner I was trying to visualize an easement between east west parcel lines but i think you are correct in suggesting they are referring to the nort...
I think there is an easement about 300' long running east west with a north line that is 18' south and a south line 36' south of the Northwest corner....
That's some mighty fine journalism. Anybody win a Pulitzer for those stories?
seems to work using firefox
Whether the survey is recorded or not shouldn't impact your survey. The pins either fit or they don't. I'm assuming they do since you didn't mention a...
@jon-payne Hey, how come our printer doesn't make cappuccino?
@duane-frymire Interesting case. I wish I knew why they held one monument and the bearing for the boundary line as Godowns interpreted the boundary in...
Has a delicate flavor but needs more sorghum.
@bill93 You might find it hard to believe but there are a lot of us who can make a complete list in one setting. Never needing to add items hours or d...
both are adamant the they sold to/bought to that pin. Since the above is true, that pin is the corner. But why do you insist there isn't 2 acres when...
Don't think it was convoluted or hard to understand at all. What a failure on Trimble's part not to have a pathway for receiving bug reports.
@menatwork Your instrument may not be the problem at all. Perhaps something about the tribrach has changed that allows a slight movement. Perhaps the ...
You can check the total station level using the zenith angle. Once you prove the total station level, you can use it to prove the tribrach bubble. The...
Don't hold off. There are a number of people here who get satisfaction out of imparting their wisdom or knowledge. Granted there are others who would ...
That is some culture that should have stayed in the Petri dish.