rfc, post: 386749, member: 8882 wrote: Situation: Star*net adjusted control network, done using grid (VT83 Coordinate System).Now I'm going back out i...
VRMTSRVY, post: 387630, member: 7295 wrote: I have never had OPUS return a solution when using Rapid-Static 15-120min. I will typically do a 30min oc...
[USER=7285]@Tom Adams[/USER] , hell I didn't think you were a jerk, or anything else. No worries from this end brother!:-)
Tom Adams, post: 387022, member: 7285 wrote: parol.......dammit! (emvision smiley-face here....I'm not really mad)And how is parol testimony proof? a...
Way cool. I have nothing to add other than it's just cool.
pencerules, post: 386951, member: 709 wrote: You are going to have a shorter range using the R8/R6 units as base as they have only a 0.5 watt radio, w...
TXSurveyor, post: 386275, member: 6719 wrote: As many of you probably know I'm getting back into surveying after a 8 year hiatus, and catching up to t...
[USER=6823]@lmbrls[/USER] You said "No doubt that Black's Law Dictionary is a great source. It is not the only source. No argument that our court syst...
ekillo, post: 386890, member: 773 wrote: I am working on a project that is requiring that the landowner dedicate a Pedestrian Access Easement as a con...
We are not a court, nor are we a judge or jury, and certainly not the executioner. When the legal definition of something is "illegal", then unless w...
[USER=188]@Glenn Breysacher[/USER] "You said "If one dedicates something to the public, it's gone, regardless if the body representing the public acce...
[USER=11407]@Cameron Watson PLS[/USER] "My biggest question is when in the process does the property actually change hands and is no longer taxed?"I...
Jp7191, post: 386817, member: 1617 wrote: Can you supply a source for that bit of information? I'm not questioning you but it is something I would li...
Cameron Watson PLS, post: 386790, member: 11407 wrote: The transfer of real property requires two entities; one giving and one receiving. The necessa...
I import/export point groups regularly for the very same reason you are talking about, by separating the days shots on big topo. Makes a big differen...
Cad drawing and external hard drive with the cloud of points.
[USER=11407]@Cameron Watson PLS[/USER], a street does not have to have dedication AND acceptance to be a public road. It simply requires dedication t...
Tommy Young, post: 386649, member: 703 wrote: Fill me in please, what is Gary Kent's reasoning for not listing encroachments? The legal definition of...
[USER=7286]@imaudigger[/USER] You got it. Do the custom install and don't sweat the AutoCAD. It will put in the Map Master for you.I never used rain...
Norm Larson, post: 386066, member: 7899 wrote: The name of the file and Windows reaction tells me it is just a patch to install over an existing insta...