Surprise, surpriseStill can't answer!
Shucks, was really getting into the new Dallas series.....
Hells bells, set another one where it is supposed to be, even if it is only a finger nail distance away. You can show your accuracy in measurement th...
out'Yes, our surveyor is holding our frontage over both monuments. The 80+ cast monument at our SE and the 6 month old SW monument are inside of the m...
MOVED?"Spledeus,I might have mis-spoke. Nothing was moved just added to. The concrete markers are still in place on our east boundary. Our surveyor ju...
My field notes are my record of what I did, found, determined to be boundaries in the field and were signed by me and officially approved and are now ...
cptdentI would imagine that on FB and you are a friend of his, you will see all his posts there, but not being a friend, I don't see his posts.There i...
yesYa really think that is owners establishing their boundaries?A big step there!Keith
It is entirely possible that the Judge knows from experience that a certain land surveyor, who may have been an expert, in a previous case, can be tru...
Sorry about your situation.You need a land surveyor who understands what boundaries are made of and not a couple of measuring technicians.Maybe the Ju...
Retired69,I would guess that my post that responded to True Corner's erroneous statement on deficits was good, turned the thread political and was jer...
In other words, go with any well known brand that uses the lithium ion battery .
I am with you on the DeWalt tools and batteries, but have found that the nicad batteries just do not hold up and frankly disappointed in the DeWalt c...
That is as funny as a tu-- in the punch bowl!Ya didn't see my name on the welcoming committee!Keith
His car in the Skyfall movie was destroyed, so maybe a fake one would be good?
Jim, Dave, LeonI can imagine the expert measurers to wonder where to measure to on my brass caps, since they don't have a dimple!;-)
I think the best thing about the mini is that it is easy to carry in a woman's purse.
She is going to like that iPad!!!