Thanks Kent, I can see why they hire you frequently for expert opinion. Okay imagine this fact set. land subdivided in 1849records lost to earthq...
A boy can dream can't he?Excuse me, your response did not merit a reply in the first instance, my bad.
link to articles pleasethank youo very much
link to articles pleaseplease post a link to the articles referencedthanks for your help
A boy can dream can't he?There is always someone in the bunch that will go "kaduh seems reasonable to me ka yuk yuk"... The list is about as reasonabl...
nah you do not need minimum technical standards, what you need are surveyors who have a common understanding of what their duty to the public is and t...
The surveyor is obliged to examine all relevant evidence. One may after examination of ALL the relevant evidence form an opinion that the boundary has...
Thanks Pablo.
Bingo Kent
Tom, you express my thoughts exactly. Kent I have heard your comment before and it makes sense. In this case, I am looking at a deed description and n...
Thanks Spledeus...good idea but in this case I want to make a different statement. The one I want to make is "94' record and measured."
discussion of significant figures (or is it precision?)Yes, facts on the ground do change the matter. and yes Vern it is a question of precision. I ha...
1/2 by area according to Woods v Mandrilla. I cannot tell from the sketch where that line would fall. Aliqout parts would be 20 and 20 chains, but th...
Based upon the statement givens- Lot 100 Peaceful Acres.
okay you are reading into what you think I said. I did not say form an opinion and then go find evidence to support that opinion. I never suggested ig...
exactly Dave we need evidence as to where the boundary is and when we have a preponderance of evidence as to where the boundary is the need for math o...
you need a preponderance of the evidence, without a preponderance of evidence you will not prevail at trial.... naturally a part of the preponderance ...
Huh? read carefully into what I said. Do not make the rookie mistake to read into my post something I did not say. There is a subtle difference in th...