DanIm sorry it escalated to that, I truly apologize.I did not start this, nor will I stand by being belittled, nor berated....
There is no substitute for...you have a good day...jmac:bye:
I like the 3rd statement...jmac:bye:
What is xi:-/ :bye:
I give today to you...This is my first time here...I love surveying not war... In your tone of writing,I see an Idiot, Look @ Today you stupid s--t......
Thank You,Sign up for The Hawaii trip...Angel is in charge...jmac:bye:
JMACThank's Wendell,I will pass it on just like now!Thank A Soldier...jmac:bye:
Thank's Jerel McLarty
JMACagain ok!!!welcome home...jmac
JMACThank you!!!!!:bye:
Heck,Take us all with you. We will need 2 Planes,1 for Surveyors,the other for Beer, with rebeer hose for rebeering while in flight I will beable to c...
Is that why you lick yourself?jmac:bye:
That's not nice>>>jmac
I am still sweating!!!!!jmac:star:
:bye: Thank you for your first response !Jerel McLarty
Holy Cow,They can become a problem.How fast can I run?:bye: I am typing this.....You almost got me.....jmac
JMACSir,Tell your fiend I at least had the chance to tell them to kiss my arse,
JMACHell, all I can say is thank you..& ---k em if they cant take a joke..jmac. Glad for a good welcome home this time.Watch your back!
None taken,Hell, let's hit the water.I am all ready for Ted to learn Cajun Surveying...jmac