I looked on the NJ State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors web site and found this pdf link. It appears to be part of the NJ Administ...
I found a pdf from the US Department of Transportation. Like some other things I found on the web, it mentions two key factors in the introduction (p....
@lukenz I'm far from an expert. I was looking at the time series for the CORS station nearest me: It seems the uncertainty in the position of the CO...
This link may help to understand what you're getting from the National Weather Service: ?ÿ
?ÿ What's a viewer? Vermont has town fence viewers, but they can only decide where a livestock fence will run when it can't follow the boundary; fig...
Land surveyors, student land surveyors, and those in related fields, will probably be most concerned about how land surveying is defined in their stat...
The barn, 10 to the negative 28 power square meters.
From what I've read about recent discoveries related to gravity waves, gravity is not instantaneous.
Witch hazel turning yellow in south-central Vermont ?ÿ
@mightymoe I've encountered folks who stick to this or that belief, and I realize it's typically a waste of time to try to change their mind. But the ...
@mathteacher I see that the GPS observations and adjustment was done June, 2012. But I also see that the epoch is 2010.00. I don't know whether the ad...
@rover83 Agreed, if one had a GNSS receiver that under the right conditions was capable of millimeters, one couldn't prove it by making observations o...
@mark-mayer The question is, what reference frame should be the "to" reference frame in HTDP?
The problem described in the video seems like the kind of problem that could occur if the surveyor surveyed both the lot where the house should have b...
Do the deeds (or other documents that determine the boundary) on either side of the line agree with each other?
Looks like a radar reflector to me. No idea why it would be there.
I misunderstood the subject line at first, especially when I saw the shotgun. I thought people who play the skeet game at their local gun club were br...
@jitterboogie My reply was about what the secureish version is called, versus the totally insecure version. What blockchain adds, if properly implemen...
@mark-mayer Nobody's in charge. One entity can say a digital signature is a cryptographically secure digital signature that gives some assurance that ...