Is this the correct format to list an open instrument man position?
Yeppers. I presume you are hiring in the Texas area? Ever since boot camp at Lackland, I have never had the desire to return there, too dang hot!
> Yeppers. I presume you are hiring in the Texas area? Ever since boot camp at Lackland, I have never had the desire to return there, too dang hot!
> -JD-
Wus. 🙂
Ya but he could say the same thing to anyone who spent time at Elmendorf and won't go back to Anchorage.
Yeah...but it's a wet, humid heat.
Not sure what you mean, right now it is pretty near perfect - 68F and low humidity.
That's why you hire in January and February. You wouldn't stand a chance getting recruits in the summer.
Well youre in luck, you have stumbled upon the top 4,144 instrument men in the world.;-)