Sounds like the best advice I have seen so far Moe.
Static the points and Run level loop through the points .
I agree with the people that say use a total station and a level.
I would do a site calibration to make all the points fit to there hort and vert. Make sure you box out the site so all the point are include. After the site calibration, check the points and you should be all good
Yes, RTK To Find, Static To Verify
If all you have is RTK, then get more equipment or another firm. Because once you say it is good, you own the whole deal.
Paul in PA
Yes, RTK To Find, Static To Verify
Just get the Total Station Out..... I bet you will end up doing this anyway.....
Here here!
I agree.
I would only localize (or calibrate) for the purpose of finding the points if you are using a "here" position for the base. Personally I would use static methods at a minimum to get a good position for the base.
The plans should have metadata on them, not just these are State Plane, Zone ? but also what datum, datum tag, epoch and vertical datum. If not then I would be suspicious if someone knew what they were doing generating those coordinates.
Nate you are right on target.
RTK is a topo tool and it is handy for finding mons.
Measuring critical points is for better methods. It's funny how 30 years it would take several times more effort to chain everything and now with static methods it can be done in a morning but that isn't good enough, I can RTK it all in 30 minutes.