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Upgrade data collector from HP48GX with Robotics to Ranger, allegro, husky?

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Hello, I have a Topcon gpt8205 with satel radio modems 3asd. I have been running an HP48GX with SMI version 7 robotics software with it since 2007. It has been super dependable but I am hoping to gain some speed with something newer.

On my HP48GX it seems slow when doing topo and stake out work. I can probably count one-thousand and three or even four sometimes before a shot registers. I am not sure how much of that lag is actually the data collector or the robot and the satel radio 3ASD set that I use. When taking repetitive shots during topo, staking, etc. is the storing of the shots almost instantaneous with the button push on these newer collectors or should I expect a similar lag-time?

Would it be a vast difference in speed if I went with an older TDS ranger 200 model? I have seen a few for decent prices and they seem to be more available, have more parts, batteries, accessories still floating around for sell. I have a friend with the 500x model, but 2 replaced screens makes me leery.

I used to like the allegros, but can't remember what the older generation ones were even called and I mention the husky as it seems to be the most durable, but probably hard to find a good deal on.

I am not looking to spend thousands as my HP works reliably and I am a small and most of the time a one-man operation with low overhead and a selective clientele. I don't need the latest and greatest, but perhaps an upgrade is due?

Thanks for any advice, shared experiences or input.


Posted : October 15, 2016 7:24 pm
Posts: 137

Ben Davidson, post: 395402, member: 12196 wrote: Hello, I have a Topcon gpt8205 with satel radio modems 3asd. I have been running an HP48GX with SMI version 7 robotics software with it since 2007. It has been super dependable but I am hoping to gain some speed with something newer.

On my HP48GX it seems slow when doing topo and stake out work. I can probably count one-thousand and three or even four sometimes before a shot registers. I am not sure how much of that lag is actually the data collector or the robot and the satel radio 3ASD set that I use. When taking repetitive shots during topo, staking, etc. is the storing of the shots almost instantaneous with the button push on these newer collectors or should I expect a similar lag-time?

Would it be a vast difference in speed if I went with an older TDS ranger 200 model? I have seen a few for decent prices and they seem to be more available, have more parts, batteries, accessories still floating around for sell. I have a friend with the 500x model, but 2 replaced screens makes me leery.

I used to like the allegros, but can't remember what the older generation ones were even called and I mention the husky as it seems to be the most durable, but probably hard to find a good deal on.

I am not looking to spend thousands as my HP works reliably and I am a small and most of the time a one-man operation with low overhead and a selective clientele. I don't need the latest and greatest, but perhaps an upgrade is due?

Thanks for any advice, shared experiences or input.


Are you wanting something new or used? I imagine used at that price point. I have an old allegro and a tds ranger 500 both with Carlson on them. They worked well with my old topcon 802. I could stand to part with them.

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Posted : October 15, 2016 8:11 pm
Posts: 19
Topic starter

Thanks for the reply.

I am wanting used, but with no experience using any of these as compared to the 48, I am hoping for more feedback on the increase in speed/efficiency before I take a plunge. If it is not a big step up from the 48gx, I may just stay with it.

I am new to this particular forum. How do you PM or email each other. I may be interested in what you have depending on the price.

Posted : October 15, 2016 8:24 pm
Posts: 320

Ben Davidson, post: 395408, member: 12196 wrote: Thanks for the reply.

I am wanting used, but with no experience using any of these as compared to the 48, I am hoping for more feedback on the increase in speed/efficiency before I take a plunge. If it is not a big step up from the 48gx, I may just stay with it.

I am new to this particular forum. How do you PM or email each other. I may be interested in what you have depending on the price.

First of all nothing compares to SMI, the best field software ever created, period.

That being said we just upgraded from the allegro with SMI to the carlson2 with survce and it's not that bad. I still hate that it is menu driven but it is what it is. I did notice an increase in the speed in which it takes and records the shot and the if you do stake out the cutsheet export is very nifty.

Resections are not like SMI, They assume the resect points are perfect and adjust your occupy point to a best fit distance, distance intersection. Staking to a line is nothing like smi and is quite the challenge at least according to my crew. I haven't tried personally. But in about a week my crew is operating as efficient as before the "upgrade". Oh and it was about. $3,500 for dc and software.

Posted : October 15, 2016 8:58 pm
Posts: 137

I believe that my allegro has SMI on it as well. I will put it on charge tomorrow to see

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Posted : October 15, 2016 9:17 pm

Posts: 7307

With regard to speed, yes, the newer DCs store the point pretty much instantly once the gun gets the shot. I have mine set up to prompt for description, so for me it doesn't store until I hit Enter, but you can set it up to store without prompting if you like to run that way. I went from a 48GX to a DC50 (which was pretty fast, as I recall), then to an Allegro CX, and now a Surveyor+. The Allegro and the Surveyor+ are both about the same as far as speed goes, the DC50 maybe just a shade slower.

Posted : October 15, 2016 10:32 pm
Posts: 468

It's been a long time since I've used a 48 anywhere but at my desk. However for field work, I would strongly consider the form factor of any DC you get. I took a drive with the Surveyor 2 (many reasons I chose that product) and could not get used to the feel. It was a beast hanging off the side of the prism pole (and that was fairly clean, "test-drive" surveying/ not cutting line or picking through brush). No issues with the function (although I did find the touchscreen to be fickle along the edges).

For me, field 48's were non-robotic, hanging on the tripod in an enviro-case/ bracket. So, I can't speak for using one at the staking end. However, if you aren't accustomed to having that much size eccentric to the staff, you may want to consider it.

On performance, I've been using a Nomad 800 with the robot (Bluetooth by parani). The form suits me and, in tracking mode, it will rip the shot and ask for the descriptor before you move the stylus away from the 'shot' button.

Posted : October 16, 2016 5:38 am
Posts: 7307

back-chain, post: 395420, member: 7900 wrote: and ask for the descriptor before you move the stylus away from the 'shot' button

That word "stylus" is the reason I prefer dealing with the weight and bulk of an Allegro or Surveyor+: I hate having to use a stylus. My hands are already full, and I want real buttons to push, especially when typing descriptions. There are a few -- very few -- actions for which I need to hit the touchscreen, and I can do them with a finger, even though it's a bit awkward.

Posted : October 16, 2016 7:22 am
Posts: 468

Jim Frame, post: 395424, member: 10 wrote: My hands are already full

I would like to lose the stylus, too. Mainly, because I lose the stylus (drop it> set it down> forget to put it back in the keeper) and have to buy a new one 😀

Would definitely prefer to free my hands, as you noted.

The Nomad is a touchscreen but, it's rugged design (thick plastic housing) and smaller screen make it near impossible to precisely work on screen edge without the stylus. This is different than the Surveyor 2 where it is fairly easy to touch at the screen edge. However, according to the surveyor's cross-hair tracking, I would be hitting the correct spots along the screen perimeter but would get no acknowledgement by the software (i.e. didn't get to the next screen without 3, 4, 8 touches).

With several important buttons/ commands in survce being along the edge, I was quickly frustrated. Coupling that with the comparative bulk of the machine, itself, lead me away from that DC.

Note: SurvCE was new to me. Having read about the key shortcuts and the ability to customize them (I think), I considered sticking it out. But, I couldn't get past the awkwardness of the form on the prism pole.

Focusing on the OP, I would immediately drop those Satel's for paranis (all the info you need can be found on this forum). You may find that resolves some of your issues without even changing the DC.

Posted : October 16, 2016 7:46 am
Posts: 8761

I have a few gadgets that require a stylus and also use a soft stylus on my phone in the field.
They are on a lanyard around my neck that I can drop under my shirt or place in my pocket to keep it from tangling in the brush.

Posted : October 16, 2016 8:30 am

Posts: 4462

I spent years fighting speed and dependability issues with old equipment. It got to the point I hated going to the field for anything. A year ago I changed to a firm with all Trimble equipment. The S6 TSC3 combo was awesome. All of the aggravation over lost time disappeared.
I know you are on a budget, but most dealers work with banks that do great leases. No need to sweat the next downturn. Just don't get caught in the 'I spent money and cut my billable hours' trap. Add the new value to your bill...

Posted : October 16, 2016 8:36 am
Posts: 976

Running like with like and being at least close to current is the way to go.

The software written for the 48 had a beauty to it that is missing from many current offerings, but time marches on.

When running an Allegro I fixed a zip tie to the DC to serve as a stylus.

Posted : October 16, 2016 8:54 am
Posts: 19
Topic starter

Great replies and I appreciate the feedback.

I agree that the smi software is great and I prefer it over the more menu driven software. Version 7 on the hp has almost instant access to all of the programs/functions that I use most.

The comment about dropping the satels is interesting. Maybe it would speed the communication up to go to the Bluetooth radios. I hadn't thought of that. It would reduce weight too.

The environmental box in a cradle on the rod is very manageable with the 48. I do prefer mostly key input so I would have to go with a bigger dc so that increased weight and bulk would take an adjustment period for sure.

There are just so many options and price points, it makes for a tough decision.

Posted : October 19, 2016 9:48 pm
Posts: 137

Ben Davidson, post: 396109, member: 12196 wrote: Great replies and I appreciate the feedback.

I agree that the smi software is great and I prefer it over the more menu driven software. Version 7 on the hp has almost instant access to all of the programs/functions that I use most.

The comment about dropping the satels is interesting. Maybe it would speed the communication up to go to the Bluetooth radios. I hadn't thought of that. It would reduce weight too.

The environmental box in a cradle on the rod is very manageable with the 48. I do prefer mostly key input so I would have to go with a bigger dc so that increased weight and bulk would take an adjustment period for sure.

There are just so many options and price points, it makes for a tough decision.

I looked at my data collectors. My TDS ranger 500x has a bad touch screen after sitting for two years. The allegro cx seems to work just fine. It has smi on it and an old version of Carlson survce. 2.8 I think. It has the cradle with it too.

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Posted : October 19, 2016 9:58 pm